Tuākana Programme

Tuākana Science is an academic community for Māori and Pacific students and staff.

What is Tuākana Science?

Tuākana is a culturally safe educational community open to all Māori and Pacific students and staff, with spaces to hang out, study and connect with other like-minded students. The programme aims to support and enhance the student experience while assisting you in your academic goals and career development with opportunities at every stage of your university journey, from topic-specific tutorials, one-on-one sessions, and exam preparation, to scholarships, research opportunities, tutoring, jobs and career mentoring for senior students.

Tuākana is where Māori and Pāsifika students thrive on campus; Tuākana spaces are for whakawhanaungatanga, tutorials, wānanga, fonotaga, workshops and are dedicated spaces focused on growth and success.

My best memories were making friends and being in a space that was your own space any time throughout the year.


Tuākana in Science draws from the shared whakapapa and history between Māori as Tangata Whenua and Tagata o le Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, both successful navigators of the vast Pacific ocean. We celebrate Māori kaupapa and Pacific ways of being and knowing through Tuakana-Teina learning environments in a variety of places across Waipapa Taumata Rau. The overarching aim of Tuākana is to retain and grow a thriving body of Māori and Pacific students and staff by providing access, opportunity and celebration of success at all levels.

Tuākana is such a community - we take strength from each other.


We achieve this by connecting you with our team of staff and tutors who have the skills, knowledge, and dedication to ensure success both in your academic and personal pursuits. Tuākana also encourages and fosters meaningful connections between students - whanaungatanga is at the heart of all we do, and we can all learn from and support each other. There are Tuākana study spaces for each department that students can use at any time, course-specific tutorials, one-on-one help, as well as additional test and exam workshops for a wide range of Science courses. Tuākana also helps to connect students with scholarship, research, and internship opportunities.

With Tuākana I felt empowered.


Tuākana is here to nurture your academic ability while also supporting your personal journey, enabling you to reach your full potential. We recognise that students already have the skills and knowledge to contribute incredible advancements to their field of study, and the programme gives you the space to explore the potential you already have.

Māori and Pacific Support

Tuākana representatives

For general enquiries about Tuākana and other services available to Māori and Pacific students in our science community, please contact:

Ekta, Faculty Administrator
General enquires about faculty events
Email tuakana-fos@auckland.ac.nz
Phone 09 373 7599 ext 89186

Lizzie Tafili, Student Support Adviser (Māori and Pacific)
If you need guidance with your studies or are in need of pastoral care
Email lizzie.tafili@auckland.ac.nz
Phone 027 561 5083

Tuākana in our Schools and Departments

For more information on specific courses and the Tuākana support available, please contact: