Meet our students and graduates

Read about life as a student in the Institute of Marine Science and where our graduates end up.

Gemma Cunnington, Marine Science

Gemma Cunnington graduated with a Bachelor in Marine Science and is now working towards a MSc in Marine Science.

Meet Gemma
A picture of student Jessica Marinovich

Jessica Marinovich is working towards her PhD researching the ecological role that snapper play as predators of kina on northern New Zealand rocky reefs.

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PhD student Ash Heaphy

Ash Heaphy is channelling her fear of the ocean into a PhD, investigating marine ecosystems in the Hauraki Gulf.

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Wenjie Wu, PhD in Marine Science

Wenjie Wu’s fascination for marine life and drive to protect our oceans led him towards a PhD in Marine Science.

Pānui tonu | Read more
Underwater of marine life

Explore undergraduate and postgraduate study in marine science and conservation.

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Dr Caitlin Blain diving underwater

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Late evening motorway

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