Undergraduate Marine Science courses

Undergraduate courses provide an overview and foundation in Marine Science, and prepare you for further study opportunities.

Course code Course title Semester offered
MARINE 100 The Oceans Around Us S1
MARINE 100G The Oceans Around Us S1
MARINE 202 Principles of Marine Science S1
MARINE 302 Dynamics of Marine Systems S2
MARINE 303 Freshwater and Estuarine Ecology S1
MARINE 304 Directed Study in Marine Science S1; S2
MARINE 305 Practical Skills in Marine Science Summer
MARINE 399 Capstone - Marine Science S1; S2

Our undergraduate Marine Science adviser is Neill Herbert.

Find timetable information at Student Services Online.

The following courses can be included in your undergraduate Marine Science degree:

Course code Course title Semester offered
BIOSCI 100 Antarctica: The Frozen Continent S2
BIOSCI 101 Life! Origins and Mechanisms S2
BIOSCI 108 Biodiversity: Patterns of life S1
BIOSCI 109 Ecology and Evolution: The Continuum of Life S1
BIOSCI 206 Principles of Ecology S1
BIOSCI 208 Invertebrate Diversity S1
BIOSCI 220 Quantitative Biology S1
BIOSCI 328 Fisheries and Aquaculture S1
BIOSCI 333 Marine Ecology and Conservation S2
BIOSCI 334 Biology of Marine Organisms S1
BIOSCI 335 Ecological Physiology S2
BIOSCI 394 Conservation Ecology S1
BIOSCI 395 Pacific Biogeography and Biodiversity S2
EARTHSCI 303 Sedimentary Systems S1
EARTHSCI 361 Exploration Geophysics S2
ENVSCI 203 Discovering Environmental Modelling S2
GEOG 101 Earth Surface Processes and Landforms S1; S2
GEOG 103 Mapping Our World S1
GEOG 250 Geographical Research in Practice S1
GEOG 262 Geomorphology S2
GEOG 351 Coastal and Marine Studies S1
GEOPHYS 311 Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Physics S2
GISCI 241 Principles of Remote Sensing S2
STATS 101 Introduction to Statistics Summer; S1; S2
STATS 201 Data Analysis Summer; S1; S2

2024 field trips

More details about the field trips can be found in the Course Outline.

If you require further information, please reach out to the course coordinator.