Contact our people
To contact a member of the School of Biological Sciences, browse the details below. Here you will find our location, student advisers, and key staff.
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Biological Sciences locations
SBS Reception
Building 110, Room 256B
3A Symonds Street
Auckland 1010
Location map (Google)
+64 9 923 7279 ext 87279

Thomas building
Building 110 & 110N
3a Symonds Street
Auckland Central 1010
Location map (Google)

Biology building
Building 106
5 Symonds Street
Auckland Central 1010
Location map (Google)
Postal address
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Courier address
Consumables Store 110-121
University of Auckland
3a Symonds Street
Auckland 1010
Student advisers
Academic advisers for undergraduate subjects and majors
Academic advisers for postgraduate students
Key academic staff
Head of School
Associate Professor David Goldstone
Research Chair
Dr Richard Kingston
Academic Chair - Education
Dr Kathryn Jones
Teaching and Learning Chair - Education
Dr Julie McIntosh
Sub-doctoral Biosecurity & Conservation Programme Coordinator
Professor Margaret Stanley
Sub-doctoral Biotechnology Programme Coordinator
Dr John Taylor
Sub-doctoral Biological Sciences Programme Coordinator
Dr Monica Kam
Bioscience Enterprise Programme Coordinator
Dr Mia Jullig
Master of Ecology Programme Coordinator
Dr James Brock
Search for Biological Sciences staff
To contact a member of our academic staff you can search for their profile.
To contact someone about a particular area of research you can visit our Biological Sciences research section or find a supervisor.
If you can't find what you are looking for, email us at