Farheen Kothiwala
Farheen Kothiwala’s passion for science led her to pursue a Bachelor of Science, majoring in biology and psychology. However, shortly into her first year, she realised it was Physiology that really sparked her interest.

Programme: BSc (Honours) in Physiology, BSc
“Biology was my favourite of the three sciences in high school. I was fascinated by how the body works. I was also intrigued by psychology — how people behave and why. So I incorporated both of these interests into my degree by enrolling in a Bachelor of Science, majoring in biology and psychology
“A few papers into my first year, I realised it’s the human physiology and neuroscience aspects that intrigue me the most within biology. At this point, I changed my major to physiology which offers a good selection of papers that delve into neuroscience, cardiac physiology, and research – right up my alley!
“I studied Physiology and Psychology in my undergraduate years via a Bachelor of Science, and I am currently completing a physiology honours year, which I will complete in 2022.
“The decision to enrol in an honours year was inspired by the amount of opportunity we were given to explore research topics of interest in our final year. This was a definite highlight for me.
“My honours project focuses on neuropharmacology and antibody-mediated effects on the GluN1 subunit, which could potentially help many neurological conditions including Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy and more.
“Neurological disorders, particularly within the field of neuroscience involve synaptic transmission regulation and implications that result from when something goes wrong between those synapses!
A few papers into my first year, I realised it’s the human physiology and neuroscience aspects that intrigue me the most within biology. At this point, I changed my major to physiology which offers a good selection of papers that delve into neuroscience, cardiac physiology, and research – right up my alley!
“I love my topic, neurological disorders are very close to my heart, and to know that the research I am doing can make a difference in the recovery and treatment options for those who are suffering related conditions keeps me motivated. I also have so far loved the self-directed aspect of this year.
“I was excited to take on this honours year, as my project really intrigued me. I hope to be able to add to research currently done on neurological disorders. Hopefully, I can complete my PhD focusing on neurological disorders someday but let’s see!
“I chose the University of Auckland having heard great things about the courses I wanted to study from family and friends who had previously attended the University.
“The Science Student Services (Student Hubs) have been really helpful with degree planning or advice when picking up or dropping a particular paper.
“Throughout the physiology labs, the lecturers and tutors were extremely helpful in explaining the content, and always an email away.
“I am the Equity officer for the Student Association of Medical Sciences and our club hosts awesome events that support networking, welfare, help students find their way in their careers and many more!
“My undergraduate years were some of the best years I have had, aside from the pandemic. Being involved in university life, including many social events, truly makes it a memorable experience.”
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