Contact our people

To contact a member of the School of Computer Science, browse the details below. Here you will find our location, student advisers, and academic and professional staff.

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Computer Science office

Physical address
School of Computer Science
Room 405, Level 4 
Science Centre Building 303
38 Princes Street
Auckland 1010
Location map (Google)

Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 82930
Fax: + 64 9373 7453

Postal address
School of Computer Science
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
New Zealand

Student advisers

Academic advisers for undergraduate subjects and majors

Academic advisers for postgraduate students

Key academic staff

Head of School
Professor Giovanni Russello

Deputy Head of School
Professor Ewan Tempero

Deputy Head (Research)
Associate Professor Simone Linz

Deputy Head (Academic)
Dr Yu-Cheng Tu

Search for Computer Science staff

To contact a member of our staff you can search for their profile

To contact someone about a particular research area you can visit our Computer Science research section or find a supervisor

Social media


UoA Comp Sci


UoA Comp Sci

Researchers on Twitter 

Professional staff

Group Services Manager: Karren Maltseva

Group Services Team Leader: Maria Rodrigues

Group Services Coordinators: Jane Tran; Carmen Carmona Aragon

Group Services Administrator: Robyn Young

Data Science & ICT Programme Manager: Tanya Carter

Industry Liaison Coordinator (Data Science): Rebecca Du

ICT Industry Liasion Manager: Deb Crossan

Student Support Adviser: Dyan Catral

Research Programmers
Wannes van der Mark (Technical Manager)
Xuanye An
Davis Dimalen
Tariq Khan
Chun Yan Lo
Justin Marsh
Walter Xie

Research Services Manager: Helen Madden

Research Services Programme Manager: Sonja Woodall

Research Programme Coordinator: Sabrina Schulte

Associate Finance Business Partner: Jessie Li

Facilities Coordinator: Nicolas Sangiovanni