Jack Lin
Jack Lin decided to major in Logic and Computation because it complemented his other major, Computer Science, by expanding on the logic and thought process behind the basic principles of computing.

Programme: Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Commerce conjoint
Subject: Computer Science & Logic and Computation
“I decided to major in Logic and Computation because it complements my other major, Computer Science, by adding the logic and thought process behind it. It also challenges my everyday thinking, which in turn allows me to grow as a person.
“You get the best of both worlds in Logic and Computation. Logic falls under philosophy which means I get exposure to the Arts side of things, whereas computation falls under Science where it’s all about algorithms and maths.
“Taking courses from two different departments involves a lot of problem solving and proving things. It's cool to find out why certain things are the way they are now and how we can prove certain things in the world are logically true.
“This subject is unique. Once you have studied it, you won’t forget it because it not only teaches you something practical, but also how to approach and solve problems of any kind.
“My favourite part about studying at University is being able to choose from a wide range of courses, not just related to my majors, but also my wider degree. I’ve also met a huge variety of people all from different backgrounds by participating in a lot of the social clubs. I’ve made friends that could potentially walk with me for the rest of my life.”
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