Urban environments and ecosystems
We investigate how biophysical systems operate in urban areas and the role of humans in stimulating urban ecosystems processes.

We investigate how biophysical systems operate in urban areas and the role of humans in stimulating urban ecosystems processes.
The world is rapidly urbanising, creating unique urban ecosystems that are the subject of this research theme. We study terrestrial, aquatic and atmospheric processes through a broad array of techniques that integrate ecology, chemistry and hydrology.
Our research seeks to maximise environmental and human well-being and has direct implications for the governance, design and restoration of urban ecosystems.
Our research topics
- The functional response of streams to urbanisation
- Urban forests, above and below ground carbon accumulation
- Atmospheric CO2 dynamics in a residential area
- Urban atmospheres
- Air pollution
- Contaminants emerging from human/urban activities
- Contaminated land: ecological risk assessment and remediation