Contact our people

To contact a member of the School of Environment, browse the details below. Here you will find our location, student advisers, and academic and professional staff.

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Environment office

Street address
School of Environment
Level 6, Room 620
Science Centre, Building 302,
23 Symonds Street
Auckland Central
Location map (Google)

Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 88465
Fax: +64 9 373 7434
Facebook: School of Environment

Postal Address
School of Environment
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
New Zealand

Student advisers

Academic advisers for undergraduate subjects and majors

Academic advisers for postgraduate students

Key academic staff

Head of School
Professor Robin Kearns

Head of Earth Sciences
Associate Professor Michael Rowe

Head of Environmental Science
Associate Professor Melanie Kah

Head of Geography
Nicolas Lewis

Search for Environment staff

To contact a member of our staff you can search for their profile

To contact someone about a particular area of research, please visit our Environment research section or find a supervisor.

Social media


School of Environment

Researchers on Twitter

Professional staff

Group Services Manager
Michael Groom

Group Services Team Leader
Anna-Marie Simcock

Group Services Coordinator
Patricia Yip

Group Services Administrator
Michael Spence

Research Programme Manager
Kelly Kilpin

Research Programme Coordinators
Franca Peverelle

Facilities Coordinator
Lynette Carter

Associate Finance Business Partner
Rene Tablizo

Finance Administrator
Kamalini Gnaniah

Technical Manager
Blair Sowman