Auckland Genomics
We offer a wide range of NextGen DNA/RNA sequencing (NGS), Sanger sequencing and gene expression services.

- Illumina sequencing and library preparation: A full range of Illumina sequencing options are available either on-site or through our partners including MiSeq, HiSeq, and NovaSeq devices. We offer a full range of library preparations for illumina sequencing, including whole genome sequencing, RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq), metagenomic sequencing, amplicon sequencing (i.e. 16S, ITS, etc), small RNA sequencing and metatranscriptomics.
- Nanopore sequencing (long reads or amplicons): We are world-leading experts in nanopore sequencing. We offer a full range of data delivery from PromethION GridION, MinION, MK1C, and flongle devices. We have experience with adaptive sampling, CRISPR CAS-9 sequencing enrichment, as well as sequencing plasmids, phages, and tools for sequencing those hard to sequence samples (marine, avian, fungal, etc) in addition to experience with different sample types
- 10X Genomics single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq)
- 10X Visium Spatial single cell library sequencing
- Sanger sequencing and genotyping with next day data delivery*
- Microarray/Clariom gene expression arrays
- Nucleic acid isolation, quality control, and quantification
- Bespoke training and workshops
- Consultation on experimental design and analysis
- Limited bioinformatics support
- Access to a range of advanced equipment.
*not available some days of the week
Most equipment is bookable for use via iLab.
DNA and RNA Sequencers and Microarrays
- Illumina sequencing: A full range of Illumina sequencing options are available either on-site or through our partners including MiSeq, HiSeq and NovaSeq
- Nanopore sequencing: PromethION (P2), GridION, MinIONs, MK1Cs, and flongles. Some nanopore equipment can be borrowed for research, teaching and field work upon request
- Chromium controller (for 10x Genomics single cell RNAseq)
- Applied Biosystems 3500XL and 3130XL Genetic Analyzer (Sanger sequencing and genotyping)
- GeneChip™ Fluidics Station 450Dx v.2 and Scanner 3000 7G for microarrays/Clariom projects.
Real-Time qPCR and Digital Droplet PCR
- ThermoFisher QuantStudio5 Real-Time PCR System (384 well with cloud enable data delivery)
- Bio-Rad QX200 Droplet Digital ddPCR System.
DNA/RNA QC instruments
- 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent)
- LabChip GX Touch (Perkin Elmer)
- Qubit
- EnSpire Multimode Plate Reader (can be used for 96 well Qubit readings)
- BluePippin (Sage Science)
- 8 sample NanoDrop
- Covaris
Robotic liquid handlers
- Eppendorf epMotion 5075
- Beckman Coulter Biomek 4000
How we can help you
NGS project design, method development, cost information and/or sample requirements
To discuss your project design, contact us at Include the following information in your email:
- one to two sentences about what services you want
- what organism(s) are you interested in sequencing
- what type of sequencing or analysis do you want (Illumina/Nanopore/Microarray/Single cell/etc)
- the number of reads OR amount of sequencing data per sample you require
Cost and sample requirement information will be supplied once your project has been designed.
When you have a project number and are ready to submit samples, use our packing guidelines:
Sanger sequencing and genotyping
All cost and sample requirement information for Sanger sequencing and genotyping is available through iLab.
Training requirements
Training and booking for all instruments is available through iLab.
Our people
- For Sanger sequencing contact us at
- For NGS and gene expression contact us at