Welcome from our Associate Dean (Diversity and Inclusivity)
Kia ora koutou. Talofa lava. Fakaalofa lahi atu. Kia orana. Malo e lelei. Bula vinaka. Ni hao. Taloha ni. Greetings to you all!

Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Ni sa bula vinaka, Namaste, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Ahn nyung ha-se-yo, Goeie more, Guten Tag, Dia duit, Cześć! Xin chao, Néih hóu, Dobro utro, Hola, Ciao, Bonjour, Konnichi wa, Halo
Welcome to the Faculty of Science’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity web pages. We are really excited to be able to share the new initiatives happening in our faculty, including working groups that anyone can join, differently tailored events, and a goal to increase understanding, engagement and support of equity, diversity and inclusivity and its importance in how we all work and learn together in our faculty.
My name is Sonia Fonua, and I am the Associate Dean Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity for the Faculty of Science. I am really proud of the activities we are championing in our faculty as we create cohesive relationships and networks that aim to provide support for staff and students.
Our overarching goal is for staff and students to experience the University of Auckland as safe, inclusive and equitable. Our web page draws attention to who is involved in these activities, through the Faculty’s Equity Committee membership, the five working groups that have specific focused targets, and current faculty initiatives that you may wish to know about or join.
There is also information about grants, resources and support provided by wider university services, and policies and information about the direction of the university in this area.
science-equity@auckland.ac.nz is a confidential email you may wish to use. Please get in contact if you have any questions, suggestions, or issues.