Science Majors and Modules Week

Confirm, change or discuss your study options with a subject adviser.

People at the Science Student Centre

The dates for Science Majors and Modules Week 2025 will be announced soon.

What is Modules and Majors week?

 Monday Computer Science, Information and Technology Management, Mathematics, Psychology, Quantitive Economics, Statistics 
Tuesday Data Science, Food Science and Nutrition, Geography 
Wednesday   Anthropological Science, Environmental Science, Earth Sciences, Exercise Science, Geographic Information Science, Marine Science 
Thursday Chemistry, Logic and Computing, Physiology, Physics 
Friday Biological Sciences, Biomedical Science, Pharmacology, Wine Science 

During Science Majors and Modules Week we invite you to confirm, change or discuss your study options with a Student Academic Adviser.

Towards the end of your first year of study you'll need to choose the subjects that will shape your Bachelor of Science (BSc). You may also need to confirm which pathway you're following, if your chosen major(s) has multiple pathways.

Why is it important?

Confirming your major(s) or specialisation early ensures that you're on the right track to complete your programme on time and with the subject areas that meet your goals.

If you're unsure about which major(s) or specialisation to declare, or which module to include as part of your programme, then this is an ideal opportunity to come in and discuss your options with one of our major specialists.

This discussion will help you make an informed decision that will help to shape your future.

Schedule for Majors and Modules week

Meet our knowledgeable departmental specialists from 12pm to 2pm throughout the week of Monday 16 September to Friday 20 September. You'll find them at the Majors and Modules Week stall in the Science Foyer in Building 302, 23 Symonds Street, Auckland.

Prior to Science Majors and Modules Week make sure you browse the undergraduate Science subject pages and degree planners for the subjects you're considering. 

You can also learn more about the Modules available for Science students.

Frequently asked questions

I have confirmed my major/specialisation. Can I change it at a later date?

Yes, you can change your major at any point in your degree provided you are eligible.

Please note: It will not be possible to change to Biomedical Science, Food Science and Nutrition yourself in SSO, as these subjects have higher entry requirements.

If I'm still undecided do I have to make a decision this week?

No, you don’t have to make a decision, however we would encourage you to come along to have a chat.