Centre for Computational Evolution
We bring together researchers with an interest in developing software tools and mathematical models for understanding evolution and molecular ecology from genes to genomes.

The Centre for Computational Evolution (CCE) uses computational tools and evolutionary theory to tackle 21st-century challenges such as phylodynamics, life system modelling, cultural evolution, and conservation genomics. The Centre fosters transdisciplinary projects to create new translational research across biology, psychology, linguistics, anthropology, and the health sciences.
Our research
Evolution is a process that shapes all living systems. Recent years have seen the development of a new branch of biology that draws insights from evolutionary theory and combines them with powerful computational tools. This Computational Evolutionary approach has mathematics, statistics and computing at its heart, and enables deep integrative connections to biology, linguistics, psychology, and anthropology.
Our Centre focuses on 5 themes: 1. computational evolution methods, 2. phylodynamics for health, 3. life system modelling, 4. cultural and linguistic evolution and 5. conservation genomics. These themes are crucially interlinked with models providing insight into and being informed by research questions spanning health, linguistics and conservation of our taonga species.
How can you get involved?
The Centre for Computational Evolution (CCE) holds regular seminars and research meetings where CCE researchers and/or visitors present on current projects. Students and visitors are especially welcomed to these meetings.
To be put onto the mailing list for upcoming events, please email a.santure@auckland.ac.nz.
Our website
Our people
Associate Professor Simon Greenhill
Research interests: Phylogenetics, language evolution
Associate Professor Simone Linz
Research interest: Mathematical phylogenetics
Associate Professor Anna Santure
Research interest: Molecular ecology