Centre for Innovative Materials for Health
We focus on enhancing human health through sustainable materials and engineering technologies.

Our purpose of the Centre for Innovative Materials for Health is to develop and apply innovative and sustainable materials, processes, and engineering technologies to enhance human health. This will be achieved by two approaches:
1. The development of novel medical technologies
2. The restoration and maintenance of healthy water
Our centre fills a significant and unique gap in Aotearoa in materials research for health. We stand apart in using innovative materials to underpin solutions to these health problems.
Our research
A transdisciplinary approach will drive our research. Scientists, engineers, sociologists, clinicians, external non-academic, and Māori partners are integral to solving these urgent problems. Our research is supported by prestigious grants held by our investigators. Our ability to draw on the knowledge and skills of different disciplines underpins our funding success.
Our facilities
We have access to major facilities at the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, and the expertise in using these facilities, including the equipment available through our Faculties’ and the University’s research platforms.
Our project areas are well aligned with, and utilise, the following University of Auckland research platforms: Auckland Cytometry, Auckland Genomics, Imaging Centre, Mass Spectrometry Centre, Microcharaterisation and the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Centre (Faculty of Science); Research Centre for Surface and Material Science, Environmental Analytical Laboratory (Faculty of Engineering); Biomedical Imaging Research Unit, Te Ira Kāwai - Auckland Regional Biobank (Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences).
How can you work with us?
Our members come from a diverse range of disciplines and career stages. We value input from academic and non-academic stakeholders and are keen to collaborate with other faculties within the University, as well as wider community stakeholders and iwi.