Doctoral scholarships

There are many scholarships available for doctoral study in the Faculty of Science.

University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships

The University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship is awarded for up to 36 months of doctoral study and comprises an annual stipend of $33,000 in 2024 (with annual CPI adjustment) plus compulsory tuition fees, including the single student health insurance compulsory charge for international students.

The Faculty of Science will award up to 49 University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships in 2024.

The Faculty's selection criteria for 2024 are detailed in the following PDF:

You can apply for admission to the doctoral programme and for a University of Auckland doctoral scholarship by following the steps for a Doctoral application.

Note that as part of an application for a doctoral programme in Science, you will need to complete the Science-specific Statement of Research Intent form (see below), and ask your supervisor to complete the Science-specific Supervisor Statement (see below).

All applicants who are to be offered a place in a doctoral programme will be eligible for scholarship consideration prior to receiving their offer of place.

Country-specific scholarships and funding

The International Office works with external scholarship agencies and government bodies to provide opportunities for international students who meet admission entry criteria.

Doctoral advisers by school and department

Each school and department in the Faculty of Science has a doctoral adviser who you can contact for advice on finding a supervisor or applying to the doctoral programme in their subject area:


Every effort has been made to ensure the information we have supplied is correct and up to date. However, the University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship regulations take precedence over all other material.

You are strongly advised to read the scholarship regulations for complete information, to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for scholarship consideration, and that you understand the implications of any regulations, awarding value and selection criteria.