Student support and wellbeing
As a student at the University, you will have access to support services that can help you succeed and excel.

Students can experience challenges which may impact their study. New Zealand culture encourages students to seek help if something impacts their study. There are many people and resources who can support your success at the University of Auckland:
- If you need some advice the Science Student Support team can help with issues affecting your studies or wellbeing.
- The University has a Health and Counselling Centre located in the Kate Edger Information Commons.
- Healthline is a free 24 hour over-the-phone health care service.
- Youthline is free 24 hour face-to-face or helpline service (text, phone, webchat & email).
- 1737 is a free 24 hour phone or text helpline service
- Your health insurance can help you to see a private doctor or counsellor.