Exam mode D - In-person invigilated exam on computer through Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB)
Important update for Semester Two, 2024
From Semester Two, 2024, mode D exams have Inspera's lockdown browser enabled. This feature restricts what resources students can access during the exam.
Changes to mode D exams in Semester Two, 2024
What are the changes to mode D exams?
From Semester Two, 2024, mode D exams will be conducted using Inspera's Integrity Browser software (IIB) with a lockdown browser enabled.
This change replaces the previous web-based version of Inspera Assessment. Before your exam day, you will need to download the required software onto the device you will be using for the exam.
What is a lockdown browser?
Lockdown browsers restrict access to unauthorised websites, applications, and resources. During your exam, you will not be able to minimise or switch to any other application outside of the Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB).
Certain features are disabled, such as cross-device copy-pasting and screen capture/printing. This prevents students from capturing exam content and reduces the risk of unauthorised distribution.
By creating a standardised environment for all students, lockdown browsers safeguard the integrity of examinations and promote fairness and equal opportunity at the university.
Preparing for your mode D exam
I haven’t sat an on-campus exam before, what do I need to do?
You will need to come on campus in person to sit your exam in your allocated exam room. You will need to bring your:
- Campus card
- Laptop and charger
- Pen
- Any approved materials (calculator etc.)
You can still sit your exam even if you don’t bring your campus card. You will however, need to present to the Examinations Centre once you have finished the exam for an identity check. You will be subject to a $25 charge if you do not bring your Student ID card within two business days.
Make sure you read the exam instructions and regulations carefully to find out what you can and can’t do in an on-campus exam. For more information, please see Exam instructions and regulations.
You can watch our short videos on Exam tips and preparation to help you prepare and find out what to expect. To watch the video, please visit Exam tips and preparation videos.
How can I find where my exam room is?
Your exam room will be made available to you at 5pm the day before your exam on your SSO Exam Timetable.
You will also receive a text message with your exam room the day before your exam if you have listed a New Zealand mobile number under ‘mobile’ on your University contact details.
Once you know your exam room, you can check:
- Campus maps
- To help you find your way install Maps
I have an on-campus in person exam, but I've moved back home to study. Do I have to attend in person?
Yes. If you are not approved to study remotely, you are required to attend in person on campus for any exams that are scheduled in-person.
This is the same for if you are located in other parts of New Zealand.
Do I have to bring my own laptop if my exam is an on-campus computer exam?
Yes, you are encouraged to bring your own laptop and charger with you for your on-campus computer exam, as you will be most familiar with its settings and the way it works.
If you don’t have a suitable laptop to use for your on-campus computer exam there will be desktop computers available in your exam room if you need. Please confirm with your exam room supervisor that you are intending to use a University computer when you enter the exam room.
You can also arrange to borrow a University laptop ahead of your exam to use. Please note that these laptops are available for same-day loans only and must be returned at the end of the day. For more information, please visit Student same-day loan laptop.
Do I have to install software on my device in order to use Inspera?
For mode D exams, you must download the latest version of Inspera's Integrity Browser (IIB). Please click the link below to download the software.
Note: Support for Windows 7, 8.1, and MacOS versions prior to Big Sur (version 11) has been discontinued. Please update your operating system or use one of the university's loan laptops.
IIB Set Up Guide (Mode D). Size: 414.4 kB.
Document Description: Step-by-step instructions for setting up Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB).
Allowable materials
Can I bring in/use a second device in my exam?
No, you will not be able to bring a second device for any on-campus exam.
You can only sit your mode D exam using one device. To sit your exam, you can use either:
- Your own personal laptop that you bring with you on your exam day
- A University-provided computer
You are not allowed to use both your personal laptop and a University-provided computer.
What websites and applications can I access during my exam?
For mode D exams, you will not be able to access any websites or applications outside of Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB).
Depending on your exam's book designation, you may be allowed to bring hard copies of books or notes. Talk to your lecturer or Course Director if you have specific questions about what materials you can use in your exam. It is essential you are clear on what sources are appropriate and how to reference these sources in your work.
Failure to comply will lead to an investigation, which may result in a breach of academic integrity under the Student Academic Conduct Statute.
More information on on book designations can be found in the Exam Instructions and Regulations.
Can I type my answer in another programme and then copy and paste my answer into Inspera?
No, you will not be able to access any other applications during your mode D exam.
Can I use translation tools, such as Google Translate, during my exam?
No, you will not be able to access any translation tools during a Mode D exam. IIB does not have any built-in translation tools.
Can I use Grammarly during my exam?
Inspera has spell check enabled for all exams. However, Grammarly can run in Inspera. If you want to check how Grammarly works, please try one of the practice exams.
Can I use the speech reading aid during my exam?
No, the speech reading aid is unavailable during your Mode D exam.
On your exam day
How early should I arrive for my on-campus exam?
Make sure you allow plenty of time to arrive on campus ahead of your exam, allowing for any traffic, public transport delays or cancellations.
If you are unfamiliar with your exam room, check where it is located the night before exam day here. We suggest arriving on campus at least 30 minutes before your exam starts.
What happens if I am late to an on-campus exam?
You may not enter your examination later than halfway through.
Latecomers will not be given any extra time.
For computer-based exams, the exam will close automatically at the same time for everyone who is taking it. So, if you start your exam late you will have less time to complete your exam than other students and you will put yourself under undue pressure.
What happens if I am unwell and unable to attend my on-campus exam?
If you are unwell, isolating or have other exceptional circumstances beyond your control that arise preventing you from attending your on-campus exam you will need to apply for an aegrotat or compassionate consideration.
You must submit your application no later than 7 days (inclusive) after the last exam included in your aegrotat or compassionate consideration application.
For more information, please visit Aegrotat and compassionate consideration.
I'm bringing my own laptop to sit my on-campus computer-based exam but I need power to plug it in. Is power available?
Yes, all the exam spaces in which digital exams are being held have power outlets available for students to plug in their personal laptops.
How do I access Inspera for my exam?
If you are taking a mode D exam, you will need to access your exam through the Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB).
Open IIB and proceed through the system checks. Once you reach the 'Select Test' page, select your exam from the list and click 'Next'.
Please make sure you have downloaded the latest version of IIB before sitting your exam. Download Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB)
Note: Support for Windows 7, 8.1, and MacOS versions prior to Big Sur (version 11) has been discontinued. Please update your operating system or use one of the university's loan laptops.
Completing Your IIB Assessment (Mode D). Size: 414.5 kB.
Document Description: Instructions about completing your assessment with Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB).
Will there be printed copies of my exam questions available if I ask for one?
If you are sitting an exam on a computer, there will not be paper copies of exam questions available.
All questions are digital.
Your exam is designed with user accessibility in mind, including side-panel where appropriate.
I want to write my Inspera essay answer in te reo Māori. Can I add te reo Māori as a language so the spell check works?
Yes, you can add te reo Māori as a language for the spell checker by selecting ‘Māori’.
This will allow Inspera to accept the te reo words that have been added to the spell checker. Please note that the spell checker functionality is currently only available for essay type questions.
To add te reo Māori as a language for the spell checker in Inspera:
- Click on the ‘settings’ icon at the bottom of the essay question box
- From the ‘Language’ drop down menu, select ‘Maori’
You can find out more about the spell checker for essay questions in Inspera, by visiting Enabling spell checker.
Can I wear earplugs during the exam?
Yes, you can. Please note that these earplugs must:
- Be disposable
- Have no electric circuiting in them
Any type of type of headphones, including noise cancelling headphones and bluetooth earbuds, are not permitted.
If you do not have your own earplugs, disposable earplugs will be provided for you.
Do I have to wear a face mask while sitting an on-campus exam?
As per Government regulations, face masks are no longer required on campus. Therefore, if you have an on-campus exam, you won’t have to bring one with you.
However, you can still choose to wear a face mask while sitting your exams. There will be access to face masks in the exam rooms, which can be provided by one of your exam supervisors.
What if my laptop stops working during the exam?
Please raise your hand if you need assistance during your exam. An exam supervisor will come and assist you. There are spare devices in exam rooms you can use if your laptop stops working during the exam.
What happens if Wi-Fi goes down during my Inspera exam on-campus?
You can continue with your Inspera exam offline. There are robust offline procedures in place during exams so your work can still be saved.
Please raise your hand if you need assistance during your exam.
For further information around sitting an Inspera exam, please check the Additional information, tips and tricks.
IIB Additional Info, Tips and Tricks (Mode D). Size: 677.2 kB.
Document Description: Additional useful information, and tips and tricks about Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB).
Will I receive extra time during my online exam to address technical issues and to collate, upload and submit all my exam answers and workings?
Yes, an additional 30 minutes has been added to all computer-based exams to allow for technical issues you may encounter.
Two-hour exams will now be extended to 150 minutes.
Three-hour exams will now be extended to 210 minutes.
Further time in addition to this extra 30 minutes cannot be granted.
After your exam
How do I check if I have submitted my Inspera online test/exam?
Log into the standard Inspera dashboard. Locate the exam you want to check to view the submission status.
Here is an example submission status:

Where and how do I access my Inspera exam submission?
You will be able to access your Inspera exam submission shortly after your final grade has been published on Student Services Online.
For both invigilated and non-invigilated exams:
- Log into your Inspera dashboard
- Click on the appropriate exam
- Access your submitted exam script under the ‘Previous tests’ tab
Exam submissions will be available for a period of 4 months. You may download your exam submission if you wish.
What marks will I see in Inspera?
When you access your exam script in Inspera you will be able to see the raw marks awarded to you for each question.
Note that if your exam required you to complete multiple questions as part of one file upload you will only see the total raw marks related to the one file upload (rather than raw marks per question).
For all automatically marked questions (e.g. multiple-choice questions), you will be able to see the questions you answered correctly and also the correct answer for any questions you answered incorrectly. Please note, when your exam marks are transferred from Inspera to Canvas, your final raw exam mark will appear.
Exam mode D* (without lockdown browser)
Differences between Exam mode D (with lockdown browser) and Exam mode D* (without lockdown browser)
Exam mode D (with lockdown browser) | Exam mode D* (without lockdown browser) | |
Need to download software onto your computer | ✓ | ✓ |
Need a computer with a working camera and microphone | x | x |
Must take a practice exam online before the exam period | ✓ | ✓ |
May only take hard copies of materials into your exam | ✓ | x |
Can access other websites, files or applications during the exam (open book & restricted book exams) | x | ✓ |
Able to download files | x | ✓ |
How can I check if my mode D exam has lockdown browser enabled or not?
You may find the exam mode information on Exam timetable webpage.
- For ‘Mode D – In-person invigilation, digital exam (through IIB with lockdown browser)’, the exam will have the 'lockdown browser' enabled.
- For ‘Mode D* – In-person invigilation, digital exam’, the exam will NOT have the 'lockdown browser' enabled.
My mode D exam specifies without lockdown browser, what does this mean?
Your specific course has opted out of using a lockdown browser for your exam. You will still need to download Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB) and access your exam using IIB software, however the lockdown browser has not been enabled. This means you can navigate away from your exam questions as required for your particular course to access allowable materials.