Commercial Adviser at New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Her desire to gain an understanding of the overall ecosystem that drives New Zealand’s international reputation and performance in business led Annabelle O’Donnell to choose International Business and International Relations as her majors.

Annabelle O'Donnell, Commercial Adviser at New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
Annabelle O'Donnell, Commercial Adviser at New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Key facts

Career: Commercial Advisor
Programme: Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Commerce
Subjects: International Business, International Relations

"The conjoint degree provided me with a comprehensive insight into how international relations and international business interact as an engine for economic growth. I was able to combine my interests in global politics and trade to understand how individual organisations connect to global value chains.

"I also had the opportunity to explore more specialised contexts, such as how environmental and human rights issues are impacted by trade and commercial transactions. This ignited my passion for sustainability and sustainable economic development.

From a young age, I have been fascinated by how New Zealand connects to the world in an increasingly global and inter-connected world, including how our companies respond to the challenge of relative geographic isolation by being agile, innovative and renowned for their pragmatic and honest approach in the international marketplace.

Annabelle O'Donnell

"My career highlights so far have been working as an Intern at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), in both the International Development Group, Sustainable Economic Development Division, and at the Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the United Nations, where I covered a range of issues including counter terrorism, nuclear non-proliferation, and negotiations for the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

"After returning to New Zealand, I wanted to diversify my skillset in a commercial context, whilst drawing on my foreign policy and international development experience. This made the New Zealand Government to Government Partnerships team (G2G), a joint venture between New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) and MFAT, a perfect fit."