Māori and Pacific scholarships and awards

As a Māori or Pacific student, you can access a range of scholarships, awards and grants through the University or external organisations.

For more information about scholarships and awards please visit your nearest Student Hubs.

Woman with long dark brown hair, wearing a brown sweatshirt, sitting at a table looking at a laptop.

Undergraduate scholarships

Scholarships administered by the University of Auckland

As a University of Auckland student, you can apply for a wide range of scholarships and awards, based on your area of study, personal characteristics like Māori or Pacific ancestry, or study level.

To search all of our available scholarships, visit Find a scholarship or award.

To help you find suitable scholarships, you can visit filtered lists of scholarships for particular groups:

Scholarships, awards and grants administered by external providers

Scholarships and grants available from organisations and groups outside of the University.

  • Ngāpuhi Education Scholarship
    Open to students who are registered on the Ngāpuhi Iwi Register who are studying full-time at a tertiary education institution.
  • Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Scholarships
    Tertiary education grants are available to Ngāi Tahu whānau pursuing higher education.
  • Ngāti Kahungunu General Scholarship
    For Ngāti Kahungunu students who are currently enrolled at a tertiary institution as a full time tauira in the third or final year of completing a degree or doing post graduate study.
  • Te Runanga o Ngāti Whātua Tertiary Education Grant
    Tertiary education grants are available to tribal members pursuing higher education.
  • Te Waiu O Aotearoa Trust Scholarship
    Open to applicants in their final year of school, who are of Māori descent and iwi registered, preferably fluent in te reo Māori, and intending to enrol in a general business-related degree appropriate for a banking career at a tertiary institution in the following year.
  • Tarutaru me Ruapounamu Memorial Tertiary Scholarships
    Scholarships are for students who descend from Te Rarawa. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate active participation in their Te Rarawa marae/hapu, and who are willing to contribute to the ongoing development of the Iwi at some level.

Postgraduate students

Scholarships administered by the University of Auckland

As a University of Auckland student, you can apply for a wide range of scholarships and awards, based on your area of study, personal characteristics like Māori or Pacific ancestry, or study level.

To search all of our available scholarships, visit Find a scholarship or award.

To help you find suitable scholarships, you can visit filtered lists of scholarships for particular groups:

Māori students

Pacific students

Scholarships, awards and grants administered by external providers

Scholarships and grants available from organisations and groups outside of the University.

  • Ngāpuhi Education Scholarship
    Open to students who are registered on the Ngāpuhi Iwi Register who are studying full-time at a tertiary education institution.
  • Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Scholarships
    Tertiary education grants are available to Ngāi Tahu whānau pursuing higher education.
  • Ngāti Kahungunu General Scholarship
    For Ngāti Kahungunu students who are currently enrolled at a tertiary institution as a full time tauira in the third or final year of completing a degree or doing post graduate study.
  • Te Runanga o Ngāti Whātua Tertiary Education Grant
    Tertiary education grants are available to tribal members pursuing higher education.
  • Tarutaru me Ruapounamu Memorial Tertiary Scholarships
    Scholarships are for students who descend from Te Rarawa. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate active participation in their Te Rarawa marae/hapu, and who are willing to contribute to the ongoing development of the Iwi at some level.
  • Ngāti Whātua Ōrakei He Taumata Rau Scholarships
    Tertiary education grants are available to tribal members pursuing higher education.