Innovation and value creation
How can New Zealand businesses harness technology and talent to create superior value through innovation?

This theme is concerned with how New Zealand enterprises can create superior value through innovation. This may, for example, incorporate innovations relating to manufacturing, innovative service systems, innovative organisational processes and information systems, and clusters of innovative firms.
Research projects funded under this theme address questions about innovation that are of strategic relevance to New Zealand firms and industries, including the business, managerial and infrastructure dimensions of innovation, and the financial, ethical, legal, regulatory and policy framework that relates to them.
Research stories
A selection of stories about the work of Business School academic staff and postgraduate students in the area of innovation and value creation.
- Adoption of mobile apps and services in Africa
- Aging in place
- Blockchain's promise for privacy
- Future scenarios of the collaborative economy
- Intelligent automation: how far have we come?
- Power to the people: towards monetising your personal data
- The HERA business research programme
- The power and perils of AI