Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility
The Business School is committed to enabling our students to gain a strong understanding of sustainability, preparing them for an ever-changing environment and fostering innovative and adaptable ways to apply this knowledge in the business world.
Sustainability in practice, teaching and research
The Business School is fully committed to the University’s Sustainability Policy (key principles summarised below), and is an active participant in University-wide programmes for reducing environmental impacts and enhancing the contribution of the University to Auckland’s social, cultural and natural environment.

Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)
The Business School is a signatory of the of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (UN PRME). Through our partnership with PRME, we continue to progress the implementation of the six principles for the UN-backed global initiative developed to promote corporate social responsibility and sustainability in management education, as well as the alignment of our research, teaching, learning and services to UN sustainable development goals.
The Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)
Key principles of the University’s Sustainability Policy
- Research towards a sustainable future
- Teaching and learning for sustainability
- Sustainable operating practices
- Partnerships for sustainability
- Capacity building and networking to advance sustainability
The Business School is committed to high quality research that is socially, culturally, economically and environmentally beneficial. To this end, we have developed four strategic research and education themes to inform our research and teaching agendas: innovation and value creation; productivity and sustainable business; succeeding in international markets; and leadership and governance.
Similarly, we aim to deliver learning opportunities that enable students to contribute to sustainable societies. We foster cross-disciplinary opportunities to enrich and enhance students’ learning experiences, ensuring they are well-equipped for their future roles in business.