Duffy Books in Homes Evaluation
A multi-year research project to investigate the books in homes experience from student, parent, teacher and principal perspectives.
The aim of this evaluation research is to better understand how the Duffy Books in Homes programme is working in schools. Specifically the research is looking to understand aspects of access, use, impact, text quality, support, and monitoring in order to strengthen the overall Books in Homes experience.
There are 2 separate studies that form the research evaluation overall.
Study 1 is a national Qualtrics survey, and Study 2 is a longitudinal multiple-case study, involving four students, their teacher, parents, and school leaders.
The research seeks to address the following research questions;
1. What is the evidence for the effectiveness of the current programme?
2. How are the Duffy book resources used to support at home family engagement practices? What impact/influence do these homereading practices have on their child's reading behaviour?
3. How do ākonga experience the Duffy programme at school?
4. How does the Duffy book resource selection impact on student’s literacy (including oral language) practices at home and at school?
5. How does the programme impact teacher and school-wide practices?
For further information about the Duffy Books in Homes Evaluation please contact Principal Investigator Dr Jacinta Oldehaver.