Māori ki Waipapa Taumata Rau | Māori at University of Auckland

Leverage the services and communities available to you to as tauira Māori to succeed in your studies!

Ngā Tauira Māori Haerenga

NTM offers educational, cultural, social and political events that foster Te Reo Māori me ōna Tikanga.

He aha ā mātou mahi | Learn what we do

This student learning service provides a friendly and professional service based on kaupapa Māori and Pacific principles.

Hōpara ratonga | Explore services

A course that unites students who want to build on their skills to lead, empower and transform - and it's free!

Tēnā tirohia | Check it out
Māori students in a crowd

Explore your identity and future career through our tailored programmes for tauira Māori and Pacific students.

Tūhuratia | Discover

Scholarship opportunities don't stop after you've begun your first semester. Find out what you can apply for now.

Kimihia | Find out

Te Manga Matapopore Meet our tauira Māori advisory group.

Homai he kōrero anō | Tell me more

The Waipapa Marae is the focal point of Māori life at our University.

Kia kitea ināianei | View now

These guides provide a starting point for Māori research by providing thematic recommended texts, databases archives and other electronic resources

Kimihia te roanga atu | Find out more

Read about places of historical cultural significance on the City campus

Hōparatia te papa ako | Explore campus

Learn about how we are promoting knowledge and understanding of Māori and Pacific peoples through sound.

Toroa ināianei | Visit now