Araliya De Zoysa
Auckland-based student Araliya de Zoysa enrolled at the University of Auckland as a 16-year-old via discretionary entrance from year 12. She is in her third year of a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Green Chemical Science.

"My age and location contributed to the decision to study at the University of Auckland, but I feel fortunate this did not mean compromising in any way because it is the highest-ranked university in New Zealand and internationally recognised. I was also attracted to the offer of Green Chemical Science as a major. All these factors meant the University of Auckland was the place for me.
"During my last year of high school, I thoroughly enjoyed chemistry, my favourite subject. I had taken science all through school and had an idea I wanted to go in this direction, but I was unsure which area to focus on. So, I was excited to discover Green Chemical Science as an option because it instantly felt like a perfect fit for me.
" I have always wanted to go into a sustainability-related field, as I feel a moral obligation to the environment. Green chemistry has an environmental component and seems more applicable and currently relevant.
I hope to continue with postgraduate studies in this area. The University of Auckland offers several postgraduate options in Green Chemical Sciences. I hope my qualifications will allow me to help improve the chemistry practice so it is safer for humans and the environment.
"One sustainability course assignment I enjoyed tasked us with developing an idea that could be implemented at the University to create a more sustainable campus. It was satisfying to know we are learning matters applicable to real-world issues. This project also confronted us with real-life challenges to implementing sustainable technology, such as financial and logistical barriers.
"This programme allows you to specialise early on and includes topics on environmental science, sustainability, and core chemistry subjects.
"I hope to continue with postgraduate studies in this area. The University of Auckland offers several postgraduate options in Green Chemical Sciences. I hope my qualifications will allow me to help improve the chemistry practice so it is safer for humans and the environment.
"I have been awarded two scholarships during my time at the University. The first was the Dame Charmian J. O'Connor Award in Chemistry, which supported me financially and gave me self-confidence. The scholarship recognised my success as a woman in chemistry, proving that my age and gender did not limit my potential for success.
"The second was a summer research scholarship I completed during the summer break between my second and third years. This experience was invaluable, especially in developing my lab skills. It also gave me access to experience a postgraduate space (Cameron Weber's lab), which gave me insight into what life as a postgraduate student could be like and further piqued my interest in postgraduate study.
"A couple of clubs that have positively contributed to my university experience are the Auckland Lankan Student Association, where I have been a First-Year Rep and a Marketing Manager, and the University Netball Club, where I play in a social team.
"The lectures I have during my degree have had an incredible passion for teaching and the subject they are lecturing on. I have been supported in every course I have taken."
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