Anawhata Reserve
The Anawhata Reserve in West Auckland spans seven hectares of steep coastal forest in various stages of regeneration.

Anawhata was gifted to the University of Auckland in 1966, by a group of prestigious alumni including John Andrews, Frederick Meiklejohn, Percy Parr, Muriel Schmidt and internationally renowned botanist Lucy Cranwell (1907-2000).
The group purchased the property in 1926 when they were still at university. Because most of the group were members of the University of Auckland Field Club, Anawhata soon became a site for research and study. Lucy Cranwell went on to conduct much of her research there.
Anawhata Reserve is home to a rare locally endemic kowhai species (Sophora microphylla var. fulvida). Many other local endemic plant species are also found at the site.
This reserve has been the site of in-depth botanical and algal studies.
For more information about visiting or conducting research in the reserve, please email