Oratia Reserve

Oratia Reserve is a 9.5-hectare area of podocarp, broadleaf and kauri forest in West Auckland.

Young kauri leaves

The University of Auckland established the reserve in 1940 when Herbert Dearsley gifted two large sections to the University.  In 1966, the property was further extended thanks to a bequest by Emile Victor Albert.

The reserve is home to several regionally rare ancient ferns, orchids and pines.  It also has one of the richest assemblages of gymnosperms in the Auckland region.

During semester Oratia Reserve is used by students of entomology and plant diversity to collect samples for laboratory exercises.

Current teaching use

Sample collection for BIOSCI 338: Biology of Terrestrial Animals
Sample collection for BIOSCI 325: Plant Diversity and Function
Field trip for BIOSCI 394: Terrestrial Ecology and Conservation

Examples of research

  • Acoustic bird monitoring
  • Carrion fly fauna composition
  • Mammal behaviour
  • Traditional Māori plant use

Recent relevant research

For more information about visiting or conducting research in the reserve, please email reserves@auckland.ac.nz.