Scholarships in Politics and International Relations

Scholarships and prizes available to students in Politics and International Relations at the University of Auckland.


Robert Chapman Prize in Politics and International Relations

A prize of $400 awarded to the student in Politics and International
Relations in the School of Social Sciences who is deemed to have done the most outstanding work at undergraduate level in the field of New Zealand politics in the year of the award.


Bill McAra Scholarship in Political Studies

This scholarship provides up to $10,000 for postgraduate research on the study of Marxism-Leninism Scientific Socialism or research in areas concerning the history, philosophy and practice of socialism that relates to it at the University of Auckland.

George McWhirter Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship provides up to $5,000 for masters research into state housing, homelessness, the politics of social housing and public policy causes and effects in these areas in New Zealand.

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Jean O’Reilly Memorial Masters Scholarship

This scholarship provides up to $5,000 for masters students studying global relationships and organisations, global public policy, governance or comparative public policy in an international context, particularly where New Zealand influences or is influenced by global public policy.

New Zealand Business and Parliament Trust Prize

A $1,500 prize for honours or masters level research in a topic related to New Zealand politics.

Robert Chapman Postgraduate Prize

A prize of $800 awarded annually to the best Masters or PhD research in the field of New Zealand politics