About the department
The Department of Management and International Business (MIB) is a dynamic department with over 40 staff members and 70 research students.

We are New Zealand’s number one management department according to the most recent (2012) PBRF research evaluation.
Our department works across multiple business disciplines. We bring together theory and research surrounding management, international business, strategy, leadership, human resource management, innovation and entrepreneurship, and Māori enterprise.
Each year we publish over 100 new research articles and books by staff, more than 50 theses and research reports by students and hundreds of practical and applied contributions to assist enterprises and their managers in New Zealand and globally.
Our staff and students are drawn from over 25 countries and we have an active programme of international visitors, post-doctoral fellows and research associates.
In addition to our research record, MIB is one of the University's top teaching departments with well-regarded majors in both the Business School (Management, International Business, and Innovation and Entrepreneurship) and the Faculty of Arts and Education (Employment Relations and Organisational Studies).
We are noted for our involvement in interdisciplinary programmes, facilitation of real-world experiences for our students, and leadership in the local entrepreneurial ecosystem. Members of the department are also involved in professional and policy-related activities in the Auckland region, in New Zealand and internationally.
Welcome to the department!
Professor Kenneth Husted
Head of Department