International Business

The International Business (IB) Disciplinary Area at the University of Auckland Business School is dedicated to studying various issues in international business. Our collective expertise addresses key challenges faced by international(ising) firms as they navigate the complexities of global environments, shaped by factors including evolving institutional pressures, market dynamics, and technological transformations.

We bring together expertise based on research interests ranging from core areas of international business, such as global strategy, cross-cultural management, and the theories of the multinational enterprise (MNE), to wider fields like innovation, sustainability, and business ethics. Our disciplinary area contributes to leading scholarly journals such as Journal of International Business Studies and Journal of World Business, as well as influential practitioner-oriented outlets like Harvard Business Review and California Management Review.

Research in this disciplinary area currently encompasses:

  • International business strategy. Multinationals’ internationalisation strategies; organisations and institutions in international contexts; global innovation strategy and emerging markets; sustainability and global strategy.
  • Internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Small-firm internationalisation, in particular how small firms compete; the internationalisation of high-tech SMEs; SMEs’ networks and internationalisation strategies.
  • Global mobility – people and knowledge. International and cross-cultural management; international human resource and talent management; knowledge management, including knowledge sharing in MNEs.
  • Critical perspectives on international business. Modern slavery; forced labour and human trafficking; the dark sides of globalisation; the sources and use of corporate power and governance challenges presented by MNEs.
  • Global value chains. Value chains and business-government relations in Asia Pacific; social upgrading in global value chains; global supply chains and environmental issues; geopolitical tensions and reconfiguring of global value chains.

Researchers in international business

Contact details

For more information please contact:

Dr Peter Zamborsky
Disciplinary Area Lead, International Business

Professor Kenneth Husted
Head of Department, Management and International Business