Master of Applied Finance Industry Projects

Our Master of Applied Finance programme includes a ten-week industry project that provides New Zealand organisations with an excellent opportunity to tap into the academic and professional skills of our masters’ students.

Business students looking at a laptop, gesturing with their hands

Students will apply the knowledge and skills they have developed during the programme to address a finance-related challenge facing your organisation. This could involve data analysis, modelling, forecasting, conducting research or something else. Students will compile their findings into a final report and presentation.

About our Master of Applied Finance students

Our programme provides students with a comprehensive understanding of fundamental finance concepts, while emphasising practical, up-to-date applications and tools. It attracts well-qualified, highly motivated graduate students who generally hold prior degrees in areas other than finance, such as Economics, Engineering, Social Sciences, Sciences and Technology. Some have several years of work experience, and many speak multiple languages.

What do Master of Applied Finance students study?

In Part I of the programme, students take courses covering key finance topics and related areas. These include corporate finance, investments, accounting, economics and financial risk management. There is a strong focus on application and students regularly use real-world financial data, build financial models and work on industry-based cases.

In Part II, students specialise in either financial analytics or sustainable finance. Financial analytics further develops students’ modelling skills with a range of real-life applications, using tools including Excel and Python.

Sustainable finance develops a framework for value creation beyond traditional finance-related metrics and examines the risks and opportunities of climate change in the context of finance.

Students also develop a strong portfolio of professional skills (verbal and written) that enables them to communicate effectively to both technical and
non-technical audiences.

Students complete the Master of Applied Finance over 15 months (full-time) or can opt to study part-time.

How does the applied finance industry project work?

In the final quarter of their 15-month programme, students work on a supervised, applied finance industry project with an organisation:

  1. The organisation identifies their project topic (related to applied finance) and the outcomes they want for the organisation. Academic staff will work with the organisation to ensure the project aligns with students’ areas of study, specialisations and skills. Further detail about possible project types is provided below.
  2. Students work within a team of 4-5 students. These teams are formed at the University prior to students’ engagement with partner organisations. Each student team will also have an academic supervisor.
  3. Student teams will be matched to an organisation based on the nature of the project and students’ skills and experiences. Organisations will have a chance to view student CVs to help ensure the right fit.
  4. Students will have an initial project kick-off meeting with the organisation. Following this, a project plan will be agreed with key milestones and delivery dates.
  5. The student team spends time working on the project. This may be off-site or on-site as required. Student teams will have regular (e.g., weekly) meetings (online or onsite) with their key contact at the partner organisation. One person per team will liaise with the key contact should any questions arise outside of the regular meeting times.
  6. The final deliverable provided to the organisation will include a physical report (together with model if applicable) outlining the team’s findings and/or recommendations. In addition, the reports and results will be presented orally to organisation representatives and academic staff at the end of the ten-week quarter.

What makes a good project?

Project topics must be finance-related with either a financial analytics (modelling or analysis) or sustainable finance aspect. However, a wide range of project topics are possible. Projects might include data analysis, modelling, forecasting, research (quantitative or qualitative) etc. Academic staff will consult with the organisation to ensure the topic aligns with students’ past and current course work, experience, and skills.

View project examples:

About the host organisation

Ideally, organisations hosting students should be located in Auckland. If you
would like to participate and your organisation works remotely or your office
is based outside of Auckland, this can also be accommodated, for example via
remote access and virtual meetings.

What does the host organisation do?

  • Provide the project topic as well as data (if required) for student teams to work with. Any data (if needed) must be provided before the project begins.
  • Ensure there is a suitable key contact to provide information to the student team and be available to answer questions and provide administrative support where required. This will help ensure that the placement is mutually beneficial and a pleasant experience. Students expect to work independently; however, receiving mentoring from a person in business can greatly enrich a student’s learning. The organisation is not required to constantly engage with the University during the project period.
  • If student teams are expected to work onsite, enough space should be provided for a team of 4-5 students. Students typically have their own devices, such as laptops and phones, but can also work with devices that are provided from the organisation if this is desirable from the perspective of the organisation. Options for remote work are also possible.
  • All organisations participating must comply with health and safety legislation and safe work practices.

What is the cost for the host organisation?

The applied finance industry project period is unpaid. However, the host
organisation is expected to cover all work-related (incidental) expenses
associated with the project placement, including assisting with the student’s
transport costs, especially if the workplace is out of central Auckland.

How do students work with organisation data?

Depending on the project, student teams may need to work with data
provided by the organisation. This can be undertaken at the organisation’s
premises or remotely. Access to the data needs to be provided. The University
ensures data confidentiality via a rigorous ethics approval process. However,
most organisations additionally ensure this through the use of company, or
project, specific NDAs.

What are the benefits for the host organisation?

After hosting a student team for an eight-week period, you will be invited to
an oral presentation where the students will present their key research
findings and recommendations to you and a small team of academic staff.

You will also receive a confidential report of the project’s findings and/or
recommendations (as well as a model if applicable). The aim is that the
deliverables prepared by the student team will provide your organisation
with insightful research, modelling, findings and/or recommendations that
are academically sound and practically relevant.

In addition, the host organisation will have:

  • Access to potential new employees.
  • An opportunity to access additional skills and knowledge for a specific project.
  • Fresh perspectives on applied finance projects.
  • Enriched links with the University of Auckland Business School and the Graduate School of Management.

What are the benefits for the student?

These industry projects provide a unique opportunity for Master of Applied
Finance students to:

  •  Apply new skills and capabilities gained through study in a work environment.
  • Build connections.
  • Gain exposure to new and exciting challenges in the field of finance, aligned to career aspirations.
  • Prepare for the transition from academic study to the world of work.
  • In some cases, to be successfully employed by their host
    organisation after the project.


  • The Applied Project course is run from September to November annually (eight to ten weeks). 

If you are interested in hosting a Master of Applied Finance student team for an industry project, contact the Employer Liaison Manager or the Course Director and we will get in touch. We are always looking for industry-based project ideas within the Business, Science and Engineering schools. Please contact us if you would like to provide a project idea, even if it doesn’t meet the scope above.

Career Development and Employer Liaison Manager:

Anastasia Timoshkina

Programme Director:

Dr Marco Eugster, CFA