Research Ideas Worth Funding II

18 March 2022

Watch the Zoom webinar recording.

Health and well-being research features strongly in Taumata Teitei. In this online event, each presenter had four minutes to make a pitch about their research and a proposed research idea. We hope that this triggered further thoughts and conversations on the topics raised and unveil shared research interests that you may want to explore further.

This is the Business School Health and Well-Being Research Beacon’s second cross-disciplinary research ideas event for all those interested in connecting and collaborating under the Beacon’s theme. The programme comprises updates on new or planned research projects by leading researchers from the Business School and other faculties. The event was open to presenters and participants from all faculties and large-scale research institutes.

Please refer to the programme below and feel free to get in touch with the presenters or the Beacon leads and follow up where you see immediate links and possibilities for collaboration.

Paola Boarin and Alessandro Premier Creative Arts and Industries Promoting health and well-being in the built environment: perspectives from the building and the urban scales
Lixin Jiang Science Occupational Health Psychology and Organisational Interventions
Linda Tyler Arts and Education The Faculty of Arts and Education's connection with the ADHB and the use of literature and visual arts in promoting well-being
Kerry Gibson Science Student mental health and wellbeing: Ensuring the future
Maartje Abbenhuis and Thomas Gregory Arts and Education Wartime harm: Thinking about regulating the weapons and wounds of war
Nickola Overall Science Family Resilience and Well-being
Nancy November Arts and Education Pedagogical Wellbeing and Pasifika Students’ Success in
Tertiary Education: A Transdisciplinary Study
Janet Gaffney and Jacoba Matapo Education and Social Work Storying research and wellbeing: Olaga le tagata - Being constituted in collective
Angus Campbell Creative Arts and Industries A Design Approach to Capabilities and Activities for Well-being
Ngaire Kerse FMHS Quality and Equity in Aged Residential Care
Paul Rouse Business School Case mix in community settings
Kim Dirks Engineering Infrastructure for Community Futures Research Centre (ICFRC)
Valery Pavlov Business School Behavioral Enablers of Pods System to Shorten Emergency Department Stay
Partha Roop Engineering Algorithmic Wellness
Fernando Beltran and Natalie Walker Business School and FMHS Can an immersive mixed reality retail space be used to measure consumer decision-making in response to public health interventions?
Reza Shahamiri Engineering Deep Learning, Health Delivery, and Assistive Technologies
Laszlo Sajtos and Nataly Martini Business School and FMHS Multi-agent shared decision-making in healthcare

If you have any questions, please email Business School Special Research Projects Manager Christiane Rupp.