Research Assistant Jobs

A list of Research Assistant job openings for current University of Auckland Business School Honours, Masters and PhD students.

Research Assistant Job Advertisements (for lecturers, professors, and professional staff)

There are currently no Research Assistant positions available.

PhD Candidate Profiles (for colleagues to review registered candidates)

We have created a dedicated sheet for you to view profiles of PhD students who have registered their interest in Research Assistant opportunities. Each profile details the student’s specialties, skills, and areas of interest, making it easier for you to identify a strong match for your RA vacancies. Please follow the link below to browse the candidate listings.

PhD Student Registration (for students to register interest)

To enhance the connection between PhD students and Research Assistant opportunities at our Business School, we have developed a registration form to streamline the process. This initiative aims to assist academic staff in efficiently identifying suitable candidates for available RA roles.

The registration form collects essential information about your research interests, expertise, and availability. The data will contribute to our Business School database, enabling academic staff to consider candidates who align with their project needs as opportunities arise.

We encourage all PhD students interested in RA positions to complete the registration form to ensure their details are included in this resource.