From the Director's Desk April 2023

Aadhaar Chaturvedi, Senior Lecturer ISOM & Acting Director CSCM
Aadhaar Chaturvedi, Senior Lecturer ISOM & Acting Director CSCM

Welcome to the first edition of Supply Chain Link for 2023.

This issue features insightful contributions from industry experts and researchers in New Zealand’s supply chain landscape.

In this edition, Nigel Brown, a business manager in the construction supplies sector, gives us insights into the significant disruptions in New Zealand’s construction sector supply chains that surfaced during the pandemic. Nigel underscores the need to address the lack of competition in this sector. He recommends revisions to high rebate structures and preferred supplier preferences, which can pose significant barriers to new entrants seeking to penetrate the market. 

We also have Na (Rona) Luo, a post-doc research fellow at UABS, sharing the findings from fascinating research conducted by the Centre on New Zealand’s strategic reserve requirements. This research aims to comprehensively overview these requirements in the country by interviewing more than one hundred practitioners and academics.

Next, we have Mevni Piyarisi, PhD candidate at UABS, who introduces her research proposal on the rise of decentralised autonomous organisations and their implications for operations and supply chain management. We also have a report of the first Women in Supply Chain (WISC) event in 2023 in which Gráinne Moss, Chief Executive & System Lead Pay Equity at Te Kawa Mataaho, Public Service Commission, reflected on tackling some of New Zealand’s most significant challenges and building her resilience in the face of them.

We hope this edition of Supply Chain Link provides you with valuable insights and knowledge as you navigate the complex and ever-evolving supply chain landscape in 2023.


Aadhaar Chaturvedi,

Acting Director CSCM