Grand Finale of the 2019 Business Project Course

NZPICS President David Turnbull and Lucas Arrowsmith with awards
NZPICS President David Turnbull and Lucas Arrowsmith

Every year, our students enrolled in the Business Project course, work in New Zealaand companies on projects in the domains of information systems, operations and supply chain management, and business analytics. This year the students worked in United Steel, Douglas Pharmaceuticals, Fonterra and HansenCX.

At the grand finale held in the Old Government House this November, the students received recognition and awards for their truly outstanding contributions to improvement efforts for the host companies, often with the toughest problem of all – changing “business-as-usual”. This year, the “megahit” project (the one that resulted in a profound improvement of the core business) was at United Steel. In effect, it enabled the company to change the business model to accommodate a new customer category. Of course, any such success is always a result of the project team as a whole, where everyone makes critical contributions, but it is also true that the key breakthroughs in the project were accomplished by these two students: Lucas Arrowsmith and Vijay Harshith. Lucas Arrowsmith received the NZPICS Best Student in Operations and Supply Chain Practical Work Award introduced this year. The award came with a paid preparation and sitting of the CPIM Part I certification exam by NZPICS.  

The ISOM Department is currently recruiting students to participate in new exciting projects (this year companies + Toll Group + Mainfreight) next academic year.