Women in Supply Chain

Women in Supply Chain (WISC) is a voluntary group in the Centre for Supply Chain Management (CSCM) at The University of Auckland Business School. WISC has been established to grow the capability and influence of women in supply chain roles through learning and connection across New Zealand.

Our mission in WISC is to leverage our expertise and network to increase the profile of women in supply chain careers, provide opportunities to connect, and promote professional development. We have mentorship programs, networking events, and webinars each year. All members have free access to the CSCM resources and WISC events and programs. We encourage you to become a member and join our LinkedIn group.

Meet our WISC Organising Group

WISC Mentorship Programme

At the beginning of 2022, the WISC organising group developed a survey to ask our WISC members about their needs for mentoring. Following are the results from that survey. After the results were collated, Andrea Manley (Head of Strategy for Napier Port) organised the processes needed to match potential mentees with mentors.

We had previously done a session with Air New Zealand using their mentorship system and are using that material to support the mentoring relationships.

Watch the presentation.

If you wish to be part of the mentoring community in WISC, either as a mentor or mentee, please contact Dinah Towle from the Centre for Supply Chain Management (d.towle@auckland.ac.nz) for a referral.