Pension briefings

Technical papers that provide background information on various aspects of superannuation, ACC and tax policy in New Zealand.








  • PB 2011-1: The future of Accident Compensation (ACC). Size: 185.6 kB. Type: PDF.

    Document Description: A Forum: The future of ACC, was held on 26 August 2011 in the Owen G Glenn Building at the University of Auckland Business School. The event was co-hosted by the University’s Retirement Policy and Research Centre and ACC Group, the ACC Futures Coalition, and AUT’s Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Research. This Pension Briefing provides a short summary of each presentation, with links to the slides, papers and reading resources available from other databases and websites.

    Download this PDF file. Size: 185.6 kB.


Archived Pension Briefings 2006 - 2009 available on request:

PB 2009-6: Modelling the distributional aspects of KiwiSaver: methodology and results
The taxpayer-funded subsidies to KiwiSaver are distributed to members based on the contributions made by individuals and their employers. Over time, the subsidies that relate to the employers' contributions become relatively more important as the real value of the fixed-dollar "member tax credit" diminishes. KiwiSaver Excel Spreadsheets model impacts of these and highlight aspects of the scheme that could have substantial distributional implications now and in the future as the scheme matures.

PB 2009-5: Universal NZS and tax: implications for sustainability
New Zealand has a universal state pension for all residents from age 65 who satisfy minimal residency tests. The simplicity and efficiency gains of paying a relatively generous universal pension without any income test comes with a high fiscal cost. The quid pro quo of universal provision is usually high marginal taxes on the well-off. In light of the ageing of the population and recent tax changes, including KiwiSaver and PIEs, the coherence of universality may need to be revisited.

PB 2009-4: If I won $5 million (2009-4)
Structuring investments to maximise after-tax income illustrates the growth of complexity and resulting inequities in the current tax environment. PIEs and registered superannuation schemes can be used to structure investments to maximise after-tax returns.

PB 2009-3: Structuring remuneration to maximise value through "salary sacrifice"
This briefing paper outlines the way in which remuneration can be structured to maximise the net income without extra cost to employers. It takes the example of an employee receiving total remuneration of $150,000 a year from an employer that is willing to co-operate.

PB 2009-2: Superannuation schemes, tax and "income"
This briefing paper describes the different types of superannuation schemes that New Zealand now has, and the different definitions of "income" that may affect income tax and the interaction between individuals and the welfare system.

PB 2009-1: International comparison of poverty amongst older people
This briefing paper examines some New Zealand implications of a 2008 OECD report Growing Unequal? Income distribution and poverty in OECD countries.

PB 2008-5: A history of public and private provision 1975-2008
This briefing paper provides an overview of the history of changes to superannuation in New Zealand.

PB 2008-4: Household Wealth 2007
This briefing paper analyses the data on household net wealth in New Zealand

PB 2008-3: KiwiSaver and remuneration
This briefing paper outlines the way in which recent policy changes impact on remuneration strategies for employers

PB 2008-2: Structuring remuneration
This briefing paper outlines the way in which remuneration can be structured to maximise the return from, among other things, KiwiSaver initiatives without extra cost to employers.

PB 2008-1: KiwiSaver
This briefing paper briefly assesses the case for KiwiSaver that saving for retirement will improve New Zealand’s current account deficit.

PB 2007-1: Pay salary sacrifice KiwiSaver and PIEs
This briefing paper explores the nature of the various tax changes to be introduced in 2007/08 and their impact on possible decisions by employees concerning the structure of their remuneration and contributions to KiwiSaver.