Pension submissions
Submissions to Parliament and other institutions in response to proposed bills and reports.
Document Description: The RLTP requires urgent attention and adequate solutions to address Auckland’s immediate and long-term transport-related problems, and improve passenger safety on public transport, before, during and after the journey; pedestrian safety on footpaths and roads; and public health generally.
RPRC Submission The Irish state pension 9 March 2021. Size: 265.8 kB.
Document Description: The RPRC has contributed to the Irish debate over pensions, especially auto-enrolment for more than a decade. This submission argues that the Irish state pension relies on a contributory basis and a means-tested top-up, putting women at a disadvantage in retirement.
Document Description: The New Zealand Superannuation and Retirement Income (Fair Residency) Amendment Bill amends section 8b of the New Zealand Superannuation and Retirement Income Act 2001 (the principal Act), raising the minimum residency requirement for New Zealand Superannuation (NZS) from 10 to 20 years, after age 20.
RPRC Submission Accessible Streets 21 April 2020. Size: 169.5 kB.
Document Description: The Accessible Streets Regulatory Package appears to be primarily a response to the proliferation (prior to COVID-19) of micro-mobility devices like e-scooters. The safety for pedestrians on shared footpaths appears to be given low priority.
RPRC Submission Age-Friendly Auckland 13 March 2020. Size: 121.2 kB.
Document Description: The RPRC applauds Auckland Council’s development of this vital initiative toward joining the World Health Organisation Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities, and committing to a continuous improvement process for creating age-friendly environments.
RPRC Submission: Social Services and Community Committee. Size: 181.6 kB.
Document Description: RPRC welcomes many aspects of this bill that will improve the design of NZS, including the removal of the direct deduction of government-administered overseas pensions received by a qualifying superannuitant's partner. But the bill does not go far enough.
RPRC Proposed National Policy Statement on Urban Development. Size: 107.4 kB.
Document Description: The RPRC urges that New Zealand’s ageing population be incorporated into the fundamental facts grounding the NPS-UDA, and the NPS-UDA incorporates the WHO age-friendly cities and communities guidelines.
RPRC Submission on Electricity Price Review. Size: 626.5 kB.
Document Description: Submission from Claire M Dale on the state of the electricity sector. This submission relates primarily to older citizens. Affordability and reliable supply are critically important to these residential consumers.
RPRC Response to the Tax Working Group interim report. Size: 279.9 kB.
Document Description: It is good to see that the Retirement income policy objectives set out are clearly focused on the individual and not on national saving. The overall objective of retirement income policy is to minimise economic insecurity in old age.
RPRC Submission on Strategy for an ageing population. Size: 378.2 kB.
Document Description: The new Strategy will inform the development of a common platform to support central and local government, nongovernmental organisations, businesses and communities to work together to respond effectively to the changing shape of society.
RPRC Submission on Social Assistance (Residency Qualification) Legislation Bill. Size: 383.8 kB.
Document Description: This Bill changes the residential qualifications for New Zealand Superannuation (NZS) and the veterans’ pension for eligible New Zealanders in the Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau. People born in the Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau are New Zealand citizens, and the Bill reflects the relationship those citizens have with New Zealand, and New Zealand’s constitutional responsibility for its citizens living in those Pacific countries and that territory.
RPRC Submission to The Tax Working Group from Michael Littlewood. Size: 266.2 kB.
Document Description: This paper discusses whether the preferential tax treatment of saving for retirement can be justified, and the inconsistent treatment of investments that might be used in the accumulation of retirement savings.
RPRC Submission on Health of Older People Strategy. Size: 285.3 kB.
Document Description: The Retirement Policy and Research Centre thanks the Ministry of Health for the opportunity to make a further submission on the draft Health of Older People Strategy.
RPRC Submission on Health Research Strategy July 2016. Size: 163.1 kB.
Document Description: The Retirement Policy and Research Centre thanks the Ministry of Health for the opportunity to submit on this important strategy.
RPRC Oral submission: Social Security Legislation Rewrite Bill. Size: 169.5 kB.
Document Description: The Retirement Policy and Research Centre thanks the Social Services Committee for the opportunity to submit on this important Bill.
RPRC Submission Social Security Legislation Rewrite Bill. Size: 232.3 kB.
Document Description: The Retirement Policy and Research Centre thanks the Social Services Committee for the opportunity to submit on this important Bill.
RPRC Submission Ministry’s Health of Older People Strategy. Size: 234.6 kB.
Document Description: This submission deals with the issue of access to oral care for the aged population.
Document Description: Submission on Financial Markets Conduct Regulations and ‘problems’ with ‘superannuation schemes’.
Document Description: Proposals for state-subsidised premium-only aged care facilities could undermine both access to and provision of standard care.
RPRC Submission on the Review of KiwiSaver Default Provider Arrangements. Size: 404.4 kB.
Document Description: The Ministry of Business Information and Employment seeks submissions on a Discussion Document of November 2012 asking what we have learned from the experience of the first seven years of KiwiSaver.
RPRC Submission on the Issues Paper. Size: 378.4 kB.
Document Description: Submission on the discussion paper by the Treasury and Inland Revenue: Social assistance integrity: defining family income, October 2010.
Archived Submissions 2006 - 2009 available on request:
2009 RPRC Submission from RPRC on Tax Consequential Rate Remedial Matters Bill–
Submission on the Taxation (Consequential Rate Alignment and Remedial Matters) Bill, August 2009
2009 RPRC Submission Social Assistance (Payment of New Zealand Superannuation and Veterans Pension Overseas) Amendment Bill
Submission on the Social Assistance (Payment of New Zealand Superannuation and Veterans Pension Overseas) Amendment Bill, May 2009 (2009)
2008 RPRC Submission on 2011 Census form
Submission on the Census question on housing 13 July 2008 Submission on 2011 Census form (2008)
2007 RPRC Submission Taxation Bill
Submission on the Taxation (Annual rates, Business Taxation, KiwiSaver, and Remedial Matters) Bill, 13 July 2007
2007 RPRC Submission Social Assistance (Payment of New Zealand Superannuation and Veterans Pension Overseas) Amendment Bill
Submission on the Social Assistance (Payment of New Zealand Superannuation and Veterans Pension Overseas) Amendment Bill, May 2009 (2009)
2006 RPRC Submission Taxation Bill
Submission on the Taxation (Annual rates, Business Taxation, KiwiSaver, and Remedial Matters) Bill, 13 July 2007
2006 RPRC Submission KiwiSaver revised 5.5.06
Submission on the KiwiSaver Bill May 2006
2006 RPRC Submission Milestones in the history of tax reform
Summary of oral submissions 28 September 2006 Waipuna Lodge: Milestones in the history of tax reform
2006 RPRC Submission Taxation second interim report 9th November
Submission on the Second interim report on the Taxation (Annual Rates, Savings, Investment and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (48-1) 27 October