Chelsea McCraith
The Bachelor of Commerce set a solid foundation for Chelsea’s career in investment banking.

Key facts
Career: Investment Banking
Programme: Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws conjoint
Subjects: Finance
“The Finance major helped my career, mostly in the form of building my foundation of understanding in the language that is 'finance.' Terminology in this major can be difficult to begin with, but as with learning a language, it becomes a lot easier once you familiarise yourself with its vocabulary.
There is a good mixture of compulsory core courses in the first year of the BCom degree, spanning all key areas of business. This helps you get a feel for what you enjoy and what you might want to major in.
"There is also a good balance of group work and individual work – both of which teach important skills required in the workplace.
"Outside of class, the Business School has high-quality clubs, a lot of which are known and respected by employers. There are endless choices of clubs, with many providing invaluable opportunities and experiences - during my time on the Executive Committee of Beta Alpha Psi, I was able to travel to Washington, DC in the US for a conference. I highly recommend getting involved."