Brandon Jost-Turei
A determination to make the most of every opportunity while at university has seen Brandon Jost-Turei enjoy some incredible experiences – and redefine what he thought he was capable of.

Key facts
- Programme: Bachelor of Commerce
- Majors: International Business, Marketing
Overall that journey for me was really important and the University’s whole support
system for me individually has been really helpful and impactful.
Why the University of Auckland?
“There’s no complicated answer: it’s just the best in the nation. I have always wanted to study because I believe in self-driven learning. There’s a Chinese proverb I try to follow: ‘You can be poor in anything but education.’ Given that mindset and the options available, my future was always going to be at the University of Auckland.”
Why Business?
"When I looked over the subjects [the University of Auckland] offered, I thought Business would be really good to capture what I like with logical thinking, as well as that creative side. Those two things were what I was really looking for in my learning journey."
Study highlights
“A highlight has been looking back at who I was a few years ago or even just a year ago and seeing my growth. For instance, when I look back at my turbulent first year of studies, it’s clear I was spending too much time socialising. So at the end of my first year, I decided to get a bit more serious – and looking back, I’m surprised and proud of how I overcame my slightly more lazy attributes!”
Expert educators
“My Business School tutors and lecturers have all been knowledgeable yet insightful. I felt they were true experts in their fields.”
Broadening horizons
“During my second year, I went to the Career Development and Employability Services (CDES) space to explore their opportunities so that I could have an eventful summer. While exploring internships at Big 4 corporations, the lovely Māori Careers Adviser shared that there are scholarships to intern abroad. I submitted an application without putting too much effort into it and was declined. I felt really disappointed in myself for wasting an opportunity, so when I saw another chance to apply for some study tours to India, Mexico and Brazil, I tried again and this time I really put my heart into these applications. I was accepted into two programmes! I chose to explore India for six weeks through IndoGenius. And compared to my previous summer, the self-belief I felt over that summer was drastically different.
“From there, I applied to everything that appealed, and had many further opportunities to learn, including in Malaysia on a Māori business delegation and in China for an internship experience. It’s been an amazing journey, and the University’s whole support system for me has been really helpful and impactful.”
Seizing opportunities
“I think many students are discouraged from submitting applications because of fear of rejection – but they don’t realise that rejection only brings disappointment or embarrassment if you allow it. I’ve always taken the approach that an opportunity that doesn’t work out won’t take me backwards, so I may as well seize them all. Sometimes rejection was what I needed; without constantly facing barriers or rejection emails during my first hunt for internships, I wouldn’t be in the position I’m in now.
“In terms of my career ambitions, I want to be in a position where I’m doing purposeful work. I’ve heard it said that the highest human act is to inspire, and I hope that I can achieve that through whatever mahi I end up doing throughout my life. My kōrero is that when one of us makes it, we all do.”
Advice for aspiring students
“Follow your passions. It doesn’t make sense to do something you’re not interested in; things come to you through passion and positioning. I’ve spoken to many Business students who study Business for a ‘job’ or to be a ‘leader’. Those are valid reasons, but I believe if you love what you do, then success comes naturally.”
Outside of studying, Brandon enjoys reading, going to the gym and listening to music.
Brandon's international travels: