Emma Beacham
A part-time job at a management consultancy firm sparked Emma Beacham's interest in business on a global scale.

Key facts
Career: Sales Representative
Programme: Bachelor of Commerce
Subjects: International Business and Management
"The University of Auckland Business School offers subjects that exactly fit what I wanted to learn about. My Management major taught me about how people work together in a company, and how to direct my own work and attitude to allow everyone around me in the workplace to flourish."
An International Business major is not just about helping businesses to thrive,
it’s about how they can do so within the global human community.
"My International Business major was where I found fulfilment. From learning about the history of globalisation and the theory behind internationalisation, to shifting my world view towards those who struggle every day to allow us the comforts we take for granted. An International Business major is not just about helping businesses to thrive, it’s about how they can do so within the global human community.”