Pok Wei Heng

Key facts

  • Career: Sustainability and Human Rights Consultant, Edge Impact 
  • Programme: Bachelor of Commerce
  • Majors: Accounting, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Most memorable experience at the Business School

“My most memorable experiences at the University were in clubs and extracurricular activities. I was Co-President of the Impact Consulting Group, a pro bono consulting club. We supported nonprofits and social enterprises, for example, advising them on how to advertise new financial products they wanted to release and how to reach out to different audiences. That really helped me get the biggest interaction with real people working on real things with real concerns.”

Expected vs actual learning

“I was surprised to discover some tangential Business papers within the Bachelor of Commerce where we explored beyond what we were specialising in. We talked about corporate social responsibility and what ethical marketing looks like. I found that interesting because we had a glimpse of what was beyond just a regular business world. In my opinion, a business world that is urgently in need of transformation and change."

Pok's passion in sustainability

"I used to do theatre and would like to return to explore the intersection of art and sustainability in climate. I think sustainability is something that you carry throughout your life. It doesn't stop when you clock out of work. I think it's really important to set healthy boundaries, but sustainability is how we see the world. It never stops,  It never ends. It's about creating a world of decent work. We want to create a world where our environment is in balance with humans."