Avanthi Dissanayake

A former investment banker with a degree in Financial Mathematics, Avanthi Dissanayake's passion for environmental sustainability and financial acumen fit perfectly with the Master of Applied Finance. An international student originally from Sri Lanka, Avanthi aspires to play a pivotal role in shaping a greener, more responsible future within the finance industry.

A smiling professional woman
Avanthi Dissanayake

Key facts

Programme: Master of Applied Finance

Career: Teaching Assistant, University of Auckland

Can you tell us about your work background?

"I worked in investment banking, which provided me with a solid foundation in the financial sector and exposed me to a wide range of financial products. I currently work as a teaching assistant at the Business School while studying the MAppFin full-time."

What made you decide to study the MAppFin at the University of Auckland?

"The programme’s emphasis on sustainable finance, combined with the University’s strong academic reputation and supportive environment, perfectly align with my professional goals and academic interests.

"Choosing a specialisation in sustainable finance was a strategic decision, aligning my career with my interests in environmental sustainability and finance. This programme equips students with the knowledge, skills and network needed to excel in this growing field.

"By combining my finance background with a passion for sustainability, I aim to play a pivotal role in shaping a sustainable future within the finance industry."

By combining my finance background with a passion for sustainability, I
aim to play a pivotal role in shaping a sustainable future within the
finance industry.

What can you say about the programme content and available resources at the Business School?

"The programme has been comprehensive and insightful compared to my investment banking industry experience. It offers a deep dive into foundational and advanced finance concepts – from corporate finance and investment analysis to more specialised subjects such as derivatives and sustainable finance – filling gaps in my knowledge and offering fresh perspectives.

"The University of Auckland provides exceptional resources, including S&P Capital IQ Pro, which offers real-time financial data, detailed statements, and analytics tools for in-depth analysis and research. Using them in a practical, hands-on setting bridges the gap between classroom learning and real-world finance."

What do you enjoy or value most about your study experience?

"What I value most about this program are the high-quality lectures and the diverse, talented cohort of students I get to learn alongside. The lectures are informative and engaging, often incorporating real-world applications that enhance our understanding of complex financial concepts. Additionally, the student support services have been excellent, providing guidance and resources that help manage the demands of postgraduate studies effectively."

Can you share some of your insights or experiences as an international student at the University of Auckland?

"I love the vibrant cultural scene, stunning natural landscapes and friendly and welcoming atmosphere of Auckland City! Regarding my academic experience, I learned to shift towards a more research-oriented and globally focused approach to learning.

"I would advise other international students to embrace the opportunity fully, take advantage of diverse academic offerings, immerse themselves in Auckland’s vibrant culture, and connect with fellow students and faculty members. Familiarise yourself with available support services to ensure a smooth transition and make the most of your experience abroad."

Avanthi enjoys watching Netflix drama series and movies to relax. She prioritises spending quality time with family through nature exploration, fun activities, or cooking gourmet dishes and sharing delicious meals with loved ones.