Chelsea Abcede

International student Chelsea Abcede, originally from the Philippines, saw the University of Auckland as a place where she could thrive – both socially and academically.

Key facts

Programme: Master of Management
Specialisation: International Business

Why the University of Auckland?

“When I did my research on the University of Auckland and New Zealand, I knew this was an environment that I wanted to grow in and where I saw myself thriving. I felt that I belonged here, even if I hadn’t been here before.

“I chose the University of Auckland as it offers diverse learning opportunities. It has global accreditation as a top university of New Zealand, and I also love how they promote studies that are balanced, but also challenging at the same time.

“I knew it was going to be worthwhile, especially seeing the diversity in my classes and the faculty as well. Everyone has different approaches and different backgrounds, which broadens your knowledge and helps you learn from everyone’s experiences. We’re all close, we enjoy each other’s company and really try to help each other.”

A practical learning experience

“What I love about the [Master of Management] programme specifically in international business is the chance to learn from professors who are experts in their fields – to learn from their practical experiences. I love how they challenge us to not just absorb what they teach, but also to transfer those skills and that knowledge by writing about it and discussing it from our own point of view and our own understanding. I love how they encourage us to think for ourselves."

Everyone has different approaches and different backgrounds, which broadens your knowledge and helps you learn from everyone’s experiences.

International Business Masters Scholarship

The University of Auckland International Business Masters Scholarship has definitely helped me sustain that drive to excel and make the most out of [my studies]. It’s given me amazing opportunities to grow professionally and personally and prepare me for what’s ahead.”

Chelsea's advice

“For international students like me, it’s important to put yourself out there, get involved and make every experience a learning opportunity. It’s about growing with fulfilment.”