Devanshi Ranjan

Devanshi says that joining clubs has been one of the best investments of her time at university.

Image of Devanshi Ranjan

Key facts
Programme: Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Science
Majors: Marketing, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Marine Science,
Biological Sciences – Zoology

"A highlight of studying at the Business School would be having the opportunity to access all the fantastic resources and facilities available. There is Te Ahi Hangarau Technology Hub (which has 3D printers and VR headsets), team-based learning rooms, the Careers Centre, and the Unleash Space – which is my personal favourite.

"A piece of advice I would give to a school leaver thinking about going to university would be to come in with an open mind and sign up for various events and clubs. It is easy to get caught up in all the university assignments and tests, but it is important that you engage in extra-curricular activities to interact with others and make meaningful connections and memories.

You also realise that there are so many support services available at university that are here to help clarify things for you, and that you have time to just give things a go and explore new interests.

Devanshi Ranjan

"Joining clubs has been one of the best investments of my time, as I have met so many new people through them and have gained and developed several skills. I have also accumulated so much knowledge and experience, a lot of which cannot be gained from regular coursework.

"I thought that by the time you went to university, you had to have everything regarding your future career and goals all planned out. Once I arrived at university, I found that this was not the case. You realise that there are so many others who are in the same boat as you, and who are unsure of what exactly they want to do. You also realise that there are so many support services available at university that are here to help clarify things for you, and that you have time to just give things a go and explore new interests."