Kalman Charitable Trust prizes and fellowships
The Margaret and John Kalman Charitable Trust offer Teacher Excellence Prizes and Fellowships each year to mathematics teachers.

Margaret and John Kalman Trust Teacher Prizes and Teacher Fellowships
Kalman Teacher Excellence Prizes
The Margaret and John Kalman Trust are generously sponsoring cash prizes for primary, intermediate and secondary school teachers to acknowledge and support the amazing work being done by mathematics and statistics teachers. This year, 6 prizes of $5000 are available.
Kalman Teacher Excellence Prizes Application Form
Note: Applications have closed for 2024, and will re-open in 2025.
Kalman Charitable Trust Teacher Fellowships
These prestigious fellowships are awarded each year to develop leaders in Mathematics and Statistics teaching by supporting them to undertake postgraduate study at the University of Auckland's Department of Mathematics.
Kalman Charitable Trust Teacher Fellowship Application Form
Note: Applications have closed for 2024, and will re-open in 2025.
About John Kalman
Emeritus Professor and former Head of Department John Arnold Kalman (1930-2007) obtained his MA in Law and Mathematics from the Auckland University College and PhD from Harvard (under George Mackey).
He joined the Department of Mathematics at the University of Auckland in 1955 as a research fellow and was a Professor with the Department for 30 years, until his retirement at the end of 1993.
Professor Kalman was a role model for his sincerity and dedication in all his tasks, and a fine mathematician, with a deep sense of care and hospitality towards his colleagues.
He was noted for his careful and precise expository style and for his caring attitude to students. His research was originally in lattice theory, but he later became a specialist in automated reasoning with a well-received book entitled Automated reasoning with OTTER (Rinton Press, 2001), crowning his accomplishments in this field.
During his headship of the Department, John Kalman was instrumental in establishing the New Zealand Journal of Mathematics (then called The Mathematical Chronicle), in developing the curricula, in improving the quality of the mathematics section of the library, and most of all in appointing staff of international level.
Last but not least, during all his career in Auckland, he had an important role in creating a nice atmosphere in the Department. Those of us who were privileged to have him as a teacher will remember him fondly as a thorough teacher with two further amazing traits not mentioned so far:
- his writing was fast and clear (if you wanted to write down his work on the board then you would be writing at top speed the whole lecture);
- his memory was amazing (in Stage III analysis, a class of maybe 70, he walked around the class after the first assignment had been marked asking us our names and then giving us our assignment but thereafter he did the same omitting the question about our names.
(David Gauld)
Our thanks to the Margaret and John Kalman Trust for their generous, continuing and increasing support for this and several other schemes to increase awareness of mathematics at all levels.