From the Director's desk

Welcome to the second CODE newsletter

Dr Ilan Oshri standing on the bridge in the Owen G Glenn Building smiling at the camera
Dr Ilan Oshri, Director of the Centre of Digital Enterprise (CODE)

Welcome to the second CODE Newsletter.

CODE is excited to share with you some exciting research that we have done recently and invite you to join our events. We also continue with the initiative to bring to you a summary of the most influential articles in reputable professional outlets to inform you about best practices and recent trends in your line of work. In this newsletter, we took the initiative to offer you the option to either read (4-5 minutes per piece) or listen to a podcast (3-4 minutes, generated by a cool AI software).

CODE continues to research the impact of digital assets on sustainability targets. In this newsletter, read an article co-authored by Boston Consulting Group and Ilan Oshri on how to accelerate your net-zero journey using technology. Also, read an article by Nevena Sekulic on digital sustainability in which she shares preliminary results from her research in NZ.

CODE has kicked off the year with a fantastic seminar by Simon Kennedy, CDO, Foodstuffs North Island. The recording of this session is available on the CODE website.

We have lined up excellent speakers such as Emma Barrett (Microsoft), Ben Rose (Binance) and Brett O’Riley (EMA) to talk about digital transformations in New Zealand in the coming weeks. All our seminars are online and free of charge.

Visit our website to register for these events.

CODE Digital Sourcing Report will be released shortly. We sampled 100 companies of various sizes across numerous sectors in New Zealand. While spending on service providers is relatively low, NZ Enterprise is signalling a high degree of expectation that outsourcing functions can deliver value to them. We will shed more light on which functions are candidates for sourcing, what offshore/onshore split is desired and growth opportunities in this upcoming report.

We hope you enjoy reading/listening to this newsletter.