ISOM industry projects and Exhibition

Dr Valery Pavlov Senior Lecturer Information Systems and Operations Management
Dr Valery Pavlov, Senior Lecturer Information Systems and Operations Management

From March to October 2019, ten ISOM students and four faculty were an integral part of improvement projects undertaken by Douglas Pharmaceuticals, Fonterra, HansenCX and United Steel.

Speaking of highlights, I would mention two. First, despite all projects being very different they all shared Business Analytics as either the main focus or as a critical part. Considering this has been an overall industry trend in recent years, we are glad our project students demonstrate they are prepared for today’s business world, both in terms of knowledge of the technology as well as business understanding. Second, although expected business benefits are significant in all projects, one of them, at United Steel, stands apart as promising to bring profound changes in the company’s core operations.

The 2019 ISOM project supervisor team is made up of Lech
Janczewski, Koro Tawa, David White, Ursula Dantin and Valery Pavlov. On behalf of the team, I would like to thank all sponsor companies for providing opportunities and trust. Thank you very much indeed!

Also, I would like to invite any other companies to attend the project exhibition. You will be able to talk to our outstanding students, learn about project details and meet with supervisors. If your company has a problem that has been sitting on a wish list for quite some time, or you are simply keen to help students gain real-life business experience please contact Koro Tawa ( and Valery Pavlov (

Exhibition time and venue: 12pm-5pm, 26 September 2019,

The University of Auckland Business School

Level 0, Sir Owen G Glenn Building, 12 Grafton Road, Auckland