Health and safety

This safety information is for all Faculty of Engineering and Design staff and students.

Health, safety and wellness is a major part of our commitment towards being a responsible and responsive employer. We aim to provide a safe, productive workplace for staff and students alike.

Your first point of contact is your academic leader, lecturer, tutor or supervisor. If they cannot address your concerns, you may contact the faculty’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing Manager, Tracey McGall.

Reporting accidents, incidents or injuries

Every workplace accident – whether it happens on campus or to someone doing University work off-campus – must be recorded on an accident/incident report as soon as possible.

Visit the University website for forms to report incidents or injuries.

First Aid kit location:
During office hours 9 am - 4 pm: Level 4 Reception
After hours: Outside of level 4 reception wall

Risk assessments

As you advance in your studies and future engineering career, you will be required to participate in the risk assessment process. You will initially be obliged just to follow risk assessments but will later be required to write them. Risk assessment training and guidance will be provided to you as needed.

For more information on how to manage risk, see: Risk assessments

Right of refusal to participate in dangerous activities

Some activities performed by the faculty will possess a high health and safety risk if they are not properly managed. In the vast majority of cases, risks will be identified and appropriately controlled to an acceptable level and you will be informed of what you need to do to remain safe before you start any activity.

You have the right to not proceed with any activity if you feel, on reasonable and objective grounds, that it poses a danger to yourself or others. You must then immediately raise your concerns with your academic leader or the health and safety manager so we can address the issues before any activity begins.

Faculty safety rules

In order to manage risks, we need to limit your access to equipment, labs and workshops until you have been provided with information about the possible hazards you may encounter and the safe methods of work you must follow. The following rules apply to all students:

  1. If you create a risk, you own the risk. If your research or work could potentially cause harm or damage, you must work with your supervisor or academic leader to reduce risk as far as it is reasonably practicable before you start.
  2. You must not enter a laboratory, workshop or storeroom unless given specific authorisation, or are escorted by an authorised person. In either case, you should seek advice on any hazards you may encounter before you enter. Note: Having access cards or keys do not mean you are authorised to access a facility.
  3. Where access to a facility is restricted, such as by access card or lock, you are not authorised to allow entry to anyone who do not have access to that facility. This means that you are not allowed to unlock a facility for someone else.
  4. You must not attempt to operate any equipment or apparatus unless you have been shown how to use it safely. In some cases, you must be specifically authorised to use complex equipment such as fixed machinery, lasers and height access equipment. You must also comply with any displayed safe work instructions.
  5. You must not attempt to modify or repair any equipment or apparatus. If you find damage or if there is a malfunction, immediately inform your supervisor or academic leader.
    When working, keep your work area clean and tidy, and make sure your bags and/or personal items do not cause trip hazards.
  6. When you have finished for the day, make sure all tools and equipment are returned to their proper storage, the area is tidy, and equipment is properly shut down. Wash your hands if you need to.
  7. You must not eat or drink while you are in workshops and laboratories.
  8. You must wear suitable clothing and enclosed footwear in laboratories and workshops. Other personal protective equipment, such as safety glasses or hearing protection, may also be required. Staff will ask you to leave the area if your clothing does not provide the protection required, such as if your trousers have the knees torn out or your shoes do not cover the top of your feet.

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)

The Faculty of Engineering and Design provides automated defibrillator machines at the following locations:

City Campus

  • B405 L1 - Lift Lobby
  • B405 L2 - Lift Lobby
  • B405 L3 - Lift Lobby
  • B405 L4 - Lift Lobby
  • B405 L5 - Lift Lobby
  • B405 L6 - Lift Lobby
  • B405 L7 - Lift Lobby
  • B405 L8 - Lift Lobby
  • B405 L9 - Lift Lobby
  • B405 L10 - Lift Lobby
  • B405 L11 - Lift Lobby
  • B401 L12 - Staff Common Room 

Newmarket Campus

  • B901 L3 - Formula SAE Workshop 
  • B902 L3 - Main Lobby 
  • B903 L2 - Reception 
  • B904 L1 - Workshop
  • B906 L1 - Structures Hall


  • B529 Ground Floor - Main Entry Lobby

Faculty Safety Committee

The Faculty of Engineering and Design Safety Committee is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for everyone who works, studies, visits or conducts business in the Faculty of Engineering and Design.

Queries may be directed to the Secretary of the Faculty Safety Committee, Jo Farrell.

Members of the committee may be contacted by first phoning +64 9 373 7599 followed by their respective extension number:

  • Michael Willimott (Co-chair), Director of Faculty Operations | 86853
  • Associate Professor Richard Clarke (Co-chair), Dean of Engineering | 82472
  • Jo Farrell (Committee Administrator) | 88101
  • Tracey McGall, Health, Safety and Wellbeing Manager | 85172
  • Professor Ashvin Thambyah, Head of Department, Chemical and Materials Engineering | 85379
  • Professor Saeid Baroutian, Chemical and Materials Engineering | 81424
  • Professor Liam Wotherspoon, Civil and Environmental Engineering | 84784
  • Associate Professor Abhisek Ukhil, Electrical Computer and Software Engineering | 84035
  • Dr Meet Mistry, Technical Team Leader, Civil and Environmental Engineering | 86407
  • Associate Professor Sadiq Zarrouk, Engineering Science | 85542
  • Dr Jonathan Stringer, Mechanical Engineering | 87075
  • Dr Mark Jeunnette, Director of Engineering Design | 82743
  • Dr Ashveen Nand, Technical Manager – Teaching | 81910
  • Dr Matthew Sidford, Technical Manager, Chemical & Materials Engineering | 87302
  • Jos Geurts, Technical Manager, Mechanical Engineering | 87251
  • Sunita Bhide, Technical Manager, Electrical, Computer & Software Engineering | 89097
  • Steve Warrington, Technical Services Manager, Technical Services | 88714
  • Gary Brant, Technical Manager, Workshop, Technical Services | 83986
  • Rebecca Wallace, Facilities and Services Team Manager | 85683
  • Ashleigh Fox, Project Manager (WEN) | 85992