Welcome from the Dean

Dean of Engineering and Design, Richard Clarke, invites you to become part of a community dedicated to improving society through problem-solving, innovating, and improving systems in the world around us.

Dean of Engineering, Richard Clarke

Nau mai, haere mai, 

A warm welcome to the Faculty of Engineering and Design.

With innovative and creative abilities, engineers, architects, urban planners and designers are vital in addressing some of the most pressing issues faced by our increasingly complex world.

As we seek to transition our society to green energy, build more resilient cities in the face of climate change, and reduce the waste we produce, the world looks to us for answers.

You will be surrounded by some of the world’s best practitioners in these disciplines, people who are excited to push boundaries, improve lives and learn from each other.

You will have access to first-rate facilities located across the heart of Auckland City. Our labs, studios and workshops, spacious student areas and multi-disciplinary learning spaces are all built with you in mind.

After graduating, you will also be highly sought after by graduate employers, both in New Zealand and overseas.

And so, on behalf of our faculty, I invite you to join us in taking your next steps in changing our world for the better.

Whakauru mai ki tō mātou kāhui ako.

Together, we can make a positive difference in our world.

Richard Clarke
Dean of Engineering and Design
Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland