Frequently asked questions
Common questions about postgraduate studies in Engineering and Design.
Which courses do I need to choose?
To find out about the requirements for your programme, check the programme regulations for your degree.
What is the honours eligibility criteria for taught masters degrees in Engineering?
To receive a class of honours for the masters degrees (taught programme) you must pass a research project of at least 30 points, and your overall Grade Point Average (GPA) must meet the following standards:
- First Class Honours: GPA of 7.0 or above
- Second Class Honours (first division): GPA of 5.5 – 6.9
- Second Class Honours (second division): GPA of 4.0 – 5.4
If you do not complete a research project of at least 30 points, your degree may be awarded with Distinction or Merit if your overall GPA meets the following standards:
- Distinction: GPA of 7.0 or above
- Merit: GPA of 5.5 – 6.9
For information on how honours are calculated please see Standards for the Award of Honours.
What is the difference between the Master of Engineering and Master of Engineering Studies?
The Master of Engineering (ME) degree is a research-based programme comprised entirely of a thesis (120-point programme), or it may be a combination of a 60-point taught and a 120-point thesis (180-point programme). This programme is offered in a number of specialisations.
The Master of Engineering Studies (MEngSt) degree is a course-based programme with the option to include a 30- or 45-point research project, offered in a number of specialisations. The Food Engineering specialisation has both taught and research masters options.
How do I submit my 90- or 120-point Engineering masters thesis?
Please submit a digital copy of your thesis to the Sub-doctoral Research team by 11:59pm on the due date. Full submission instructions will be sent to you via email and will be posted on the ENG-RESTHESIS Canvas page.
For a detailed guide to masters thesis submission, please consult the Guide to the Presentation and Submission of Research Components in Sub-Doctoral Qualifications.
How do I request an extension to submit my thesis or research project?
Students who wish to apply for an extension of time for submission of thesis or research project will need to fill out the Application for Extension of Time (AS-503) online form.
Can I suspend my enrolment in a postgraduate Engineering and Design programme?
If you are enrolled in a postgraduate Engineering and Design programme and wish to suspend your studies for one or two semesters, you must fill out the Application for Senate Approval of Suspension from Enrolment (AS-502) online form.
What specialisations are available in the masters programme I'm interested in studying?
To find out which specialisations are available in the masters programmes offered by the Faculty of Engineering and Design, visit the page for the programme(s) you're interested in, through the Find a study option page.